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Il BuonO

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Everything posted by Il BuonO

  1. I'll bet he has more strike outs looking than he has HRs. That's too easy. How about more total SO than hits? Still not close. How about almost double the amount of SO (184) to hits (95)? Eh, yep.
  2. He's had enough for me to know he's better than Trumbo. I know, low bar. But he's agile, fields well (error notwithstanding) and runs well.
  3. There's never again a reason to watch Trumbo play RF.
  4. There are different scenarios depending on from where the player has come. This is not Frankie Rodriguez or Gerardo Parra. It's probably likely Buck had as much to do with Hays' call up as Dan did. It's up to Buck how he's used once he's there, or if he's used at all.
  5. Sure it does. Rickard has been on the team longer.
  6. Buck could see garbage ABs from now until the apocalypse and he'd still be loyal to his veterans.
  7. We've crossed into the baseball twilight zone when one of the best pitchers on the staff isn't carrying a majority of the innings available as a starter in favor of Jimenez. Tillman has history with the club, so lengthening the leash is understandable, if not entirely frustrating to watch at times. But there is absolutely no way Castro should be left out of the rotation at this point. And please don't tell me about a long man. Tonight was a rare occurrence when the starter actually performed well and key members of the bullpen did not. Castro is usually the guy in relief of both Tillman and Jimenez when either has an abbreviated outing. Jimenez has very little left on an expiring contract, cut bait already. Asher or Wright can be called back to be the long man. It's not as a vital a spot as number two starter.
  8. Ordinarily, I'd complain about defensive alignment, but an OF in the gap of a scoreless tie is exactly where he should be. The Orioles pinching the gaps is my pet peeve. That didn't happen on the HR in this game. As you say, a split second or five years ago for Grandy, may have made the difference.
  9. The juggernaut that is the Dodgers can't score on a night when their pitcher throws eight perfect innings and has a no hitter through 9 IP. Tough one.
  10. Just an incredible play by Utley, especially at this stage of his career and that point in the game. Sheer will to make an outstanding play. Love it!
  11. I liked how he reacted after the second one, laughing at what had happened.
  12. Why not? This team is desperate for better than below average starters. You value Mancini too much. But no danger of that happening because I'm not sure other teams value him enough to trade away a good SP. And I don't mean Wade Miley or Ubaldo Jimenez good.
  13. Well, maybe they can make 30 runs over the series. They need to score five more tomorrow off Hamels. Gulp....
  14. We have a guestroom you can stay with us.
  15. A very nice venue for a AAA team.A very nice venue for a AAA team.
  16. My "home" team is the Round Rock Express. No conflicts.
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