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Il BuonO

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Everything posted by Il BuonO

  1. I agree, but I thought the comments by Buck were provocative. If he’s called up it probably shouldn’t be until September. That way, he can work on the CH and anything else he needs to improve. They can still give him abbreviated starts and limit his innings while keeping his health at the forefront of his progression.
  2. I’d agree with you if it wasn’t for Buck basically leaving the door open to him going north. “Ask me after today,” Showalter said, “but I think he’s got a chance to make it a little tough on us. We’ll see.” Buck also mentioned his makeup and him not being overwhelmed by the situation like some others may be. There’s something special about today. “Oh sure there is,” Showalter said. “If he wins the tie-breaker, I’m OK with that accusation. And he deserves it. The kid’s been through a lot.” http://www.masnsports.com/school-of-roch/2018/02/notes-on-gausman-hays-tillman-castro-and-more.html If he’s in Norfolk to start he may be first guy up. Still, doubtful it happens if only for the sake of controlling his future years. The way the Orioles operate they almost have to make that a consideration more so than addressing the needs of the ML club. You think a hard innings cap precludes him from being injured again, at least for this year?
  3. Less drag coefficient, better aerodynamics.
  4. I thought you weren’t a FIP guy.
  5. Nah, Cortes is the lefty. I like Kazmir though.
  6. Don’t get me wrong, definitely an upgrade over Jimenez, Miley, Hellickson or Tillman. And he didn’t cost much. I just don’t expect what he did last year.
  7. Perhaps because he’s gone away from his four seam FB in in favor of a two seam FB. As I remember he had one of the better GB rates.
  8. Yup, just texted my brother and said the same. I don’t hate it, but....meh.
  9. The Astros have the better rotation and the better team.
  10. Where are you getting this? I’ve read a lot on the subject and have yet to this as an explanation. At the time of the suspension, Davis said he previously had permission to use Adderall but was not cleared for it in 2014. http://www.espn.com/mlb/story/_/id/12040990/chris-davis-baltimore-orioles-cleared-use-adderall-2015-season So, there seems to be conflicting data on whether he had an exemption for 2013, not that he had taken it according to Davis himself.
  11. In fact, he had lost the exemption but continued taking it in 2013. Prior to the 2013 season, Davis was said to have a therapeutic use exemption for Adderall to treat his diagnosed ADHD. He stopped applying or was denied in 2013 but obviously kept taking Adderall, which led to two failed tests in two years. The first got him a warning. The second a suspension. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.yahoo.com/amphtml/sports/blogs/mlb-big-league-stew/chris-davis-receives-adderall-exemption-following-suspension-040505429.html
  12. Velocity is an important component, but Greinke has such a varied arsenal it’s less a factor. Very few guys develop other pitches as velocity is diminished to stay effective. Greinke doesn’t need to rely on velocity alone to be successful.
  13. He’s currently at 60.7 rWAR. Through the life of the contract if he averages 3 WAR I’d say he’s definitely in the conversation.
  14. Greinke knows how to pitch so I wouldn’t rule out there being positive value at the end of the deal. But I think he’s an exception to the rule that players rapidly decline with age. There will be decline but his ability to adjust his arsenal based on his ability is impressive.
  15. Greinke deal with the Dodgers was good. Not many people here thought he was worth it. He totaled 17.5 rWAR over three seasons.
  16. If I was a pitcher? Manny, but I like a challenge. Kidding, I like a challenge but I’ll take easy outs. Davis looks like one of those. I’m dubious his offseason of adjustments will help much. Here’s to hoping I’m wrong.
  17. Meh “Tom Tango suggests that lineup protection positively manifests in just one measurable way, and it relates to what Bumgarner alludes to. Protection leads to a slight uptick in walks, which very well might be Bumgarner’s "giving in." If Bumgarner starts let his mind drift to the guy on deck rather than the one in the batter’s box, it might lead to nibbling and, possibly, a base on balls. He prefers to discount protection and instead attack the opposition. While walks are good for an offense, the idea of protection rests on the idea that the first of the two great hitters will receive better pitches to hit. In this regard, Tango suggests that lineup protection does not exist: protection "merely increases the ratio of walks to non-walks without significantly affecting how well the hitter performs if he isn’t actually walked." https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.beyondtheboxscore.com/platform/amp/2015/5/19/8614817/lineup-protection-myth-reality-exists
  18. Very interesting because the plan worked. Did anyone notice what was mentioned during the broadcast about the analytics department relaying information to the coaching staff? The Astros organization has done a great job of putting people in positions to assist in the on-the-field product. And it’s no small thing that the coaching staff is open-minded enough to implement the information they receive.
  19. Great win for the people of that city, they really needed it. Sports can be a wonderful distraction.
  20. Not bad. Now, someone shoot the idea over to Duquette.
  21. Nor was I, but it would be a nice benefit of him getting a little more seasoning at Norfolk. Bringing in cheap experienced help in the OF until Hays is ready is prudent thinking.
  22. Really not the point. He should be polished/have a little more experience. Guys at AAA have experience and it would benefit him. And there's the service time to consider. They've made due with Trumbo out there for a while under the guise of putting the best defensive team in the field, another month or two won't kill them.
  23. More likely Trumbo is moved, not nearly as burdensome a contract.
  24. That was negative. How's this? I think he has a beautiful wife.
  25. Apparently so today. It's the new math. But I'm sure the point was taken. *OP edited for your approval.
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