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Il BuonO

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Everything posted by Il BuonO

  1. Boom! Right away. IF there is a 10th inning, Brown?
  2. Still not sold on Perez this season, but short on options today.
  3. Not a fan of the Frazier signing, but that last AB is just a great job of hitting with two strikes.
  4. I’m thinking being compared to The Kid might be a good thing.
  5. Weren’t the Jays fans the ones who were throwing things at Orioles’ players a while back?
  6. Well, the FB looked much better there at the end.
  7. That ball was crushed by Mountcastle.
  8. Freakin Brown,”We don’t have a dog in the fight. Obviously, we like the Orioles to make the playoffs.” Huh?
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