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Il BuonO

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Everything posted by Il BuonO

  1. But Hyde started Stowers tonight. But he wants the best for this team, which doesn’t include Stowers long term.
  2. Ok, where are all the Stowers’ haters?
  3. Did he? I mean, maybe they didn’t have it? Seems unlikely though.
  4. Krehbiel certainly has fallen from grace.
  5. It was 2014 for me, before I moved to Texas and Hallas and CAORIOLE were there, I think. Idk, I’m getting old.
  6. Overrated? I was unaware it was a destination spot for baseball fans.
  7. When I lived in SoCal, the only time I went to Anaheim was to see the Orioles.
  8. So, other than the HRs allowed tonight Wells is pitching a heckuva game.
  9. Come on, Mountcastle, a freakin double??? I was betting on another HR. What a bum.
  10. Come on, it’s early, plenty of time to hate on him later.
  11. I said he was about to put together a big game. Give him a few more ABs.
  12. Pretty manageable pitch count for Wells despite the walks.
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