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Il BuonO

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Everything posted by Il BuonO

  1. Also a concern when he can’t execute a pitch he’s definitely going to need.
  2. I was concerned earlier when he threw one at 93, but he was just back up at 96.
  3. Woo hoo! Let’s put a game clock in next year. Who cares if not having a clock makes baseball unique. I must not invest my precious time for more than two hours! Get it done, Manfred!
  4. I wasn’t talking about his ability to get on base. Again, he’s late on a mediocre FB. Discuss. Or, don’t.
  5. Santander! Love that guy. Trade him after he gets the value back up.
  6. Wonder if he was named after this bunch.
  7. He is who he is-milquetoast.
  8. He IS mediocre at best. Anything else is gravy.
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