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Il BuonO

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Everything posted by Il BuonO

  1. Tickets…. Next they’ll be paying people to show up there.
  2. Sure am glad Hyde took out a guy who was pitching well just to match up.
  3. To me, what’s annoying is he’s constantly interrupting Palmer’s comments. Let him finish a sentence before you feel like we have to hear your opinion.
  4. The Trop! What a beautiful place to watch a ball game-said no one ever.
  5. I’m surprised by the offer and surprised it was refused, except for the fact his agent is Boras.
  6. Nevin with a hit??? I guess now he’ll be on the roster for the rest of the year.
  7. Two hitters in a row he makes a horrible two strike pitch.
  8. If he was initially called safe I don’t think they overturn it either.
  9. Pretty close, but I think JP is right, not enough to overturn it.
  10. Out of it, but there’s already been a lot of hard contact.
  11. Ok, who sent for the ‘21 version of Kremer?
  12. Haha, except Mancini is not an outfielder, Lowe has played nothing but the OF.
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