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Everything posted by Moshagge3

  1. I bet you could get Jonathan Schoop pretty cheap, LOL
  2. It was not a perfect relay, it one-hopped Urias, but Urias was definitely distracted by Laureano chugging to third and booted it.
  3. I can't believe they had the shift on and still let that ground ball get through in the first place.
  4. Didn't Valdez have to face three hitters? It's possible that Hyde would have brought in Sulser if Valdez had loaded the bases.
  5. I'm very confused by people thinking that Tyler Wade and Pat Valaika trying to see who could bunt better was a thrilling conclusion to that game.
  6. You're making it sound as if these are scheduled doubleheaders like it's 1955. Doubleheaders nowadays are contingency measures for rain and COVID outbreaks. Owners make them single admission only grudgingly, usually if it's a weekday, and ticketholders can make their own decisions. So I'm not sure who I'm supposed to feel sorry for in your scenario. I'll tell you what, though: if I can only come to one of the games because of work (because again, if it's single admission it's probably a weekday), I'd like it to be an actual MLB-length game. Maybe it's tin foil hattery to say this, but it's going to raise some eyebrows when in a tight pennant race the Mudville nine, a team blessed with a good rotation and a shaky bullpen, decide that the radar is iffy and it's better to call off tonight's game and play two games with different rules than what their competitors are playing, rules that directly play to their advantage.
  7. Valdez a strike away, where have I seen this before?
  8. You don't want to mess with his confidence, he's just a 36-year old kid.
  9. Because Sisco is bad, and so is Urias. So Mountcastle knows he has little chance of scoring if he stops at second.
  10. There are never guarantees, but the infield comes in, you can score on a fly ball, wild pitch, etc. You're just improving the odds.
  11. With Sisco and Urias coming up I'd call it an acceptable risk.
  12. Yes, but a hard-fought game decided by a hitless inning that turns on whose utility infielder can bunt the ball fair is not where baseball needs to go IMO.
  13. Glad to get the win but these extra inning rules have got to go. A bunt and a medium deep fly ball is pretty anticlimactic.
  14. You always like to earn it, but a walkoff Gleyber error would be pretty great.
  15. I guess strike one to Ford was a make-up call?
  16. Wagner didn't have a shtick like Rex Barney or anything, but I thought it was cool that our P.A. announcer watched Orioles road games and got into them. I have to say though, as a representative of the organization, I can see how the Orioles would be skittish about Wagner flaming the Ravens on social media, even though he is a Ravens fan. But if the tweets from the Yankee series were the last straw, that's pretty lame. Not only do I want the P.A. person to tweet things like "Yankee Stadium is a joke" but I want them to announce every time this series when an Orioles hits a semi-deep fly ball to right how many rows back it would have been at YS.
  17. Is this the same Romo from San Francisco that blew a save to the O's on a Schoop HR?
  18. If you've got Ramon Urias's skill set, you need to be a better bunter than that.
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