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Posts posted by kidrock

  1. I’m not concerned.  I’ve followed this team closely since 1999 and most of it sucked.  This team is built for the long run.  After witnessing the dodgers and Yankees failures in the playoffs, despite the high payrolls, I realize it’s a crap shoot.  Get in the playoffs enough and hope for some luck.  Get a ring and move on.

  2. 4 minutes ago, ScGO's said:

    Looks like this year could belong to the Yankees, but the O's do have a shot

    I really don't want to trade Mayo or Basallo but how can you not when you want a Crochett or another top of the line arm? They will also want some pitching in returns and we are thinner than folks think.

    Burnes, GrayRod, Irvin, Kremer, Suarez, Povich, Zimmerman, Stoudt, McDermott is where we are at for Depth. Its gonna be MUCH rougher next year if Burnes walks and Bradish is out. We are dangerously close to bare cupboards for MLB ready pitching options. 

    Mayo and Basallo could give us 12 total years of above average play for incredibly cheap.  It could range from bad to elite of course.  I’m not sure one season is ever worth losing that.  

    • Upvote 1
  3. Its the second extension that is killer many times.  Not sure why teams rush to extend guys into their late 30s.  Just doesn't make sense.

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  4. Is he switching to becoming a full time DH? Looks at his games played at 3rd vs DH:

    2022 - 134 (3rd), 15 (DH)

    2023 - 105 (3rd), 33 (DH)

    2024 - 26 (3rd), 37 (DH)

    I am not a dWAR expert, but the trend to me seems to be that the Padres are moving him off the field.  Seems like a shame considering how good he was at defense back in the day.  


    Also, his OPS+ has had a pretty solid 3 year decline at this point:

    2022 - 157

    2023 - 113

    2024 - 100

    The Padres owe him 9 more years at 315m.  Crazytown to me.

  5. 3 hours ago, Filmstudy said:

    Cowser was going all out the whole way and slid head first.  Timed as 339 clicks from contact to touch at 3B, 11.30 seconds by the same method I use to time for ATS for analysis of the Ravens defense.

    Mullins was 338 clicks (11.27 seconds) despite getting a stand-up sign roughly 30 feet from 3rd base and slowing down considerably.  He was really flying around 2nd.

    It's worth a comparison to have stopwatch measurements by both and if you want to try this method from your DirecTV DVR, hit pause then FF one "frame" at a time with 30 clicks = 1 sec.  Need to make sure your remote has good batteries and you have an unobstructed LoS to the receiver so you don't have dud clicks.

    Ken - as usual, thought provoking and interesting.  I once had a professor ask me years ago in college: if you could spend the rest of your life on an island with 5 people, who would they be.  You would certainly be on the list.  I could talk Ravens/Os for ever.

  6. 3 hours ago, Sports Guy said:

    Our team speed is one of my favorite parts of this team.

    I agree.  This brand of baseball is so much more fun than older, slower, less athletic players.  

    Speed is just fun.  Doesn’t matter the sport.  Fun things happen when you run fast.

    • Upvote 1
  7. 54 minutes ago, Sports Guy said:

    Goldschmidt is similar…good defender, very good but not elite power, good bat to ball skills, lots of walks.

    Obviously Goldy is RH but similar types of players.

    That is a really interesting comp.  Goldy is easily one on my favorite modern day players.  Wonder if you switched Goldy/Palmeiro into each others era, if they would produce similar numbers.

  8. 3 minutes ago, Frobby said:

    Palmeiro was a guy who was always just under the radar.  He played in the heart of the steroids era and never led the league in HR or RBi despite being a top 10 guy annually.   He was a similar player to Eddie Murray, if you adjust stats for era.   It’s interesting to see that he got MVP votes in 10 seasons but was only an all-star 4 times.  

    Yeah, that’s part of the reason why I asked.  Just so few all star appearances considering how good his numbers looked.

  9. 5 minutes ago, Sports Guy said:

    He should be in the HOF.

    Great hitter with a beautiful swing.

    Steroids likely helped him but I’m skeptical how much it helped him(or anyone else). 

    More than that, baseball players have been taking PEDs forever and to act like that was the only era that did it is stupid.

    Fair.  Who would you compare him to in todays game?

  10. 9 minutes ago, glenn__davis said:

    He was very very good.  But he was putting up those huge numbers when others were putting up even bigger numbers.  We know why that was now. 

    He also was an outstanding defender at a time when defense wasn't valued or at least not as much as it is now. 

    I think at the time he was respected as one of the superstars in the game that wasn't talked about enough.  That obviously has changed now with the steroid allegations.

    Thanks Glenn.  Appreciate the summary.  Who would you compare him to in the modern game?

  11. Hey O’s hangout faithful, a few questions for the older cats on here.  I was pretty young during his era:

    1. Was Palmeiro thought of as one of the best players in the league year in, year out.  His numbers looking back are incredible, but I don’t recall him being a star.  Maybe he just had a more quiet personality, or it was the fact that so many guys were hitting home runs.  Just wondering what the perception was at the time.

    2. Seeing his age 35-39 seasons is just crazy when you think about the current day aging curves of these players.  Did you like baseball better when players had much longer career arcs or do you prefer today’s young man’s game.  Just looking at some of the seasons for older ball players back in the steroid era seem mind boggling relative to today.

    3.  Share a story about him that the young guys wouldn’t have been aware of.




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  12. 2 minutes ago, SteveA said:

    We have very few wins like that.

    I think the run scoring environment is down in baseball and people just haven't adjusted for that.   We lead the majors at a bit over 5 runs per game, and there are only 2 or 3 teams that are scoring that much.   Scoring is down.

    So a night like tonight, where we have 4 runs in 6 innings, seems like we aren't hitting well.   But it is actually quite good.

    Add that to the general game thread mentality that every time we got a couple innings without scoring it's "sleepwalking", and selective memory, and people start to believe our offense isn't very good.

    We have 4 runs in 6 innings and the majority of the comments on our offense have been negative.  A guy who started year as our #5 starter and has allowed 2 runs in 5 innings and is still pitching in the 6th .... yet most of the comments here about his pitching are negative.

    In a recent game thread someone posted that they could barely stand to watch our games because of our scoring droughts and other perceived flaws,   And I think we had won 7 of 8 games at the time!!!!!   

    The gap between perception and reality in the game thread is enormous.

    I don’t post often, but I have certainly been guilty of this.  My youth was the steroid era and I find myself comparing to that frequently.  It’s clearly a far different game now.

  13. 11 hours ago, Tony-OH said:

    None of this has anything to do with the points I've made. Sure, some of you can stick your head in the sand and just go "The draft is a crapshoot" but then if you do, you can't give Elias credit for any of his draft picks because that means he just go lucky.

    Just like I don't think they were lucky in drafting Rutschman, Gunnar, Westburg, Cowser, Mayo, Kjerstad, etc. I also don't give them a pass for not drafting and developing one major league pitcher in 5 years of drafting. 

    They passed on a lot of arms to draft a lot of college bats that have not worked out. they did not balance their drafts with pitching and hitting, but went with a college bat philosophy and as I shown, they've had little success with that philosophy while there are a ton of major league pitchers who were drafted in these same drafts and passed on.

    Now 2023 was a shift in philosophy on the pitching side and we'll see how that works out. Now I'd like to see them give more high school hitters shots in the early rounds.

    I'd rather strike out on High school guys more often and then find a Gunnar or Mayo once in awhile, vs going college heavy and getting decent bats that are defensively flawwed like we have with Kjerstad and Norby or guys that have low ceilings.

    I fully agree Tony.  All your points are valid and fair.

  14. I thought his outing was comical.  I can't understand how you can show up like that.  Just wasn't remotely competitive.


    I have absolutely no problem with Mike Elias bringing this guy in.  Fix the guy and turn him into something.  Or at least try it.  No issue with the move.

  15. I think this is a great debate subject and have learned a ton just from reading this thread.  My personal opinion is that I just don’t care on the Holliday front.  Even if he has to wait for September or next year, that’s ok with me.  I trust the club to do what is needed and best.


    I don’t know much and am pretty ignorant overall.  I’m not saying this is right, correct or based in fact, but from what I saw, he didn’t seem close to ready.  The defense was not good enough and the swing had Swiss cheese like holes in it.  A bad strike call would ruin entire at bats.

    I think he has a very bright future and is an awesome player, especially at his age, but he needs growth and maturity in all phases in my opinion.  

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