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Everything posted by Explosivo

  1. Again, I've never talked to the kid. I just saw it as a red flag. Just my gut. That's all we have so far away from their impact. Kjerstad reminds me of the core players we have that will be difference makers down the road. Grayson Rodriguez, Means, Baumann, Adley, etc. These guys have a certain vibe and the clubhouse really matters with winning teams. We saw that with our last core of Schoop, Markakis, Jones, etc. Or going way back to the Robinsons, Palmer, etc from the 60s. We are a rebuild, that also means rebuilding a culture. Some guys fit in it, some dont. I think Martin will be a good player but I dont think he would be a good fit on this team. Just me take. I'm new to this, first draft I've really watched. First time I've watched interviews on players, etc. But in my line of work, I need to be a good judge of character and know how to read people. Like I said earlier, it's more than just the shirt. It's the interviews. It's his answers. I didn't get a sense of someone who really "got it" with Martin whereas with Kjerstad, this is a guy who is a real blue collar, hard working dude who in every interview talks about being a good teammate. I value that greatly. When splitting hairs between top talents, personality plays. When you can afford to be in a position as the Orioles were fortunate to split hairs like that, personality plays. So far in every situation Kjerstad has been blessed to be a part, he has shined, been the best. That shows me something. I think that's indicative of things to come and when you combine all that with him being a lefty bomber in Camden, that spells great success. Martin is a guy who has no real set position. His arm is iffy, his power is iffy, and the days of the 5 tool player are largely over, especially in Baltimore. Our style is superb pitching and power bats. Always has been. When you factor in the ability to get him for a less pricey tag and really get two huge gems in the 4th and 5th, I really dont see a downside at all. Again, I'm new to this, but I'm going with my gut and my ability to read people. If I had the pick, I would have gone with Lacy as I feel he is a similar personality as Rodriguez, but I understand not taking a more risky option in a pitcher than an everyday middle of the lineup bat. Martin however projects to be a 1 or 2 hitter used as a more of a setup guy. All well and good to get on base but then you need to drive him in. That's a tougher chance than just cranking it or getting a walk. I'm good with Kjerstad and I think you all should be too. Also, I think this pick and future picks is a great indicator of the pitching talent we currently have. If the season actually happens and we do what we likely will and be in last place, we are looking at Rocker. I like the idea of Rocker, Rodriguez, Hall, Means, and Baumann as a hell of a rotation. We needed the bats and we got em.
  2. It's more than just the shirt he wore. It's the interviews Martin gave prior and lack of interviews post. There is something missing with the kid. I'm not a scout as most here are not, but there is an intangible that is missing there for me. With Kjerstad, he checks all boxes and I cant wait to see him put up 20-30 bombs in Camden. It's the perfect park for him. He also took on much more varied competition than Martin by playing on the USA team. He saw a ton of different styles of pitching and cranked on all of them. I think the best is truly yet to come with him while Martin, though has a plus hitting tool, does not have meaningful power. Go take a look at his highlights, its single, double city. In college. With a metal bat. He got on base a ton, but that's a piece that does not have the same game winning impact as a bat like Kjerstad. I think we struck gold while also lining up for huge value in the 4th and 5th rounds. Drafting Martin would not accomplish that. Besides, Kjerstad is a true blue collar success story.
  3. I think what gets lost here is the type of teammate a player is as well as the type of talent a player shows. We only see the latter but we must never discount the former. Austin Martin while good on paper may very well be a tough guy to peg for this reason. Everything I have seen from Kjerstad is a guy who has taken every opportunity to not only make himself better by facing varied competition but also has a great desire to be a great teammate in the clubhouse. That type of difference is impossible to illustrate in video clips. His desire to wear that "more than just an athlete" shirt for draft day just rubbed me the wrong way. While I think he will be successful, I think it's important to note some interesting red flags that may arise in the future with a fella like that. In every interview when asked about what Kjerstad brings to the table he makes sure to note his desire to be a good teammate. I know it's probably not going to resonate with you guys but I think back to the poster who saw Bryce Harper play. Here is a guy who everyone saw was an incredible talent but the things we dont see which later arose with Harper were his impossibility to be a good teammate. He stated that Harper will never win a WS and I agree. We saw that with him fighting in the clubhouse and that's only the public display we saw at a game. Elias is building something special in Baltimore by bringing in quality players who will also work well with each other. Adley also indicated exactly the same type of characteristics as well as Rodriguez. These are high quality players from exceptional families who are mature beyond their years. They will approach the game in a different way. We are years away from proving any of this will bear out but I am ecstatic at Kjerstad being the guy who will make you guys proud. I firmly believe the Orioles will contend for a WS within five years. John Means is another guy who exemplifies these qualities. These are the players that Elias is targeting and I think it's the Oriole way just as it was of our past greatness in the 60s. You can not coach personality. You either have it or you do not. I think after talking with the players the way the scouts have, you can see that very clearly. I'm not at the point to say that Martin will be a cancer in the clubhouse. I dont think that's fair to levy on a kid, but I could see glimpses of something that did not sit right. Time will tell but when you look at the type of power hitter to succeed at Camden, it's difficult to look at Kjerstad not projecting perfectly in Baltimore. I think we will all be pleasantly surprised with this kid and I think Elias chose very wisely with this kid.
  4. Is there a pitcher whose career was terminated by playing against the Astros? I'm talking, a guy gets called up to face the Astros, gets shelled, and stays in the minors? Or maybe just examples of guys getting sent to the minors after being shelled? I'd be interested to know.
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