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Everything posted by Sessh

  1. He sounds giddy. He wanted to laugh harder at that leg-kick delay the pitcher used on Mancini for the home run.
  2. I've never not felt like he didn't want the Orioles to win, so I guess we're just getting two different things out of it. I don't want him to act like he has a mood disorder, I want him to be himself and I don't really care if he gets excited when the opponents do something exciting.
  3. Got that strike and Trout complains, but it was also a strike. I love when Palmer gets ticked at the umps. lol
  4. I'm sure they would go nuts, but they generally don't need much encouragement to do so. If the other team makes a good play, what's wrong with praising them?
  5. Gary has always been that way. He loves the game. Sometimes, that means sounding excited when things don't go our way. Besides, he doesn't really get "down" and pouty about stuff like Hunter does. Anyway, no issues here with Thorne. Loved him when he did NHL games and still love him now. He's always been a little goofy and gets excited about exciting play no matter who's doing it.
  6. Oh, ground rule double. Villar's steal pays off.
  7. Stevie comes through with a triple! Tie game!
  8. Villar in scoring position. All up to Stevie now.
  9. Severino 2-4 tonight and one out was a liner to third. Good game for Severino... except that missed foul popup.
  10. He was handy as a defensive replacement. If he could have caught that, he could have struck out his next AB and all would have been well. lol
  11. Indeed. Santander might have got it. Wilkerson got turned around, but at least Santander is an outfielder. Missing Broxton at times like this as you eluded to.
  12. He was at 64 pitches and Trout was 1-2 off him; single and strikeout. Oh well.. decision ended up backfiring and now we're down 4-2.
  13. I always found it to be kind of disrespectful to the game and the player with the elite abilities to deny them by pitching around them or walking them all the time. Even with Bonds, people want to see him have a valid AB. It's like the player is being penalized for being too good. Not saying there aren't situations where doing that is the best choice, but I don't want to see Trout pitched around all the time. ...and Wilkerson hurts himself at the wall and probably should have caught that.
  14. It's always risky taking a pitcher out of a game that has had hitters off-balance most of the night and was on a good roll. Armstrong comes in and is wild leading to another pitching change with the bases loaded now.
  15. I'd rather get Trout out. He's not hitting 1.000. Never liked pitching around guys. Maybe in the playoffs or games in September with a lot on the line, but not in July.
  16. Is Esh can get another 1-2-3 inning, he won't have to face Trout again with runners on. He's due up fourth.
  17. 7 in a row for Eshelman, 8 pitch inning. Four scoreless so far. Hope he can get through another two or three innings.
  18. Quick inning for Eshelman. Pitching much better this time so far.
  19. It looked inside to me too, but I always have GameDay open in another tab so I can switch over and see where the pitch was if in doubt. It showed the whole ball in the low/inside square.
  20. No help on that one. It was a strike according to GameDay. Trout was fooled on the pitch.
  21. This isn't looking good at all now.
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