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Everything posted by Sessh

  1. .. and then Villar messes up. He should have had that one. Damn.
  2. Villar makes some really great plays sometimes. Too bad he can't be more consistent. He hasn't been as bad lately, though.
  3. Severino hit two balls right on the nose tonight. Good sign.
  4. Severino is having trouble adjusting back to the league, but maybe his injuries/illness and lack of consistent playing time has gotten him out of his rhythm. He has to find his way back now.
  5. He's got a pretty good curveball when he doesn't hang it and despite the low velocity, has a 7-8mph difference between the FB and change up. That's what you want At least he's mostly staying out of the middle of the plate so far.
  6. Palmer said he was dropping his arm a bit. Got to be a little unnerving facing Trout, Ohtani, Upton and Pujols. Pitched his way out of it.
  7. I'm surprised Smith got to that ball. Thought it was going to drop in there.
  8. Trout vs. Eshelman. Who will win? lol
  9. Uncorked champagne and celebrated wildly?
  10. I just remember watching the postseason when Pujols was in his prime and every time he came up, you felt like something was about to happen. He was the one guy you didn't want to see up there if you were a fan of the other team. Incredible hitter back then.
  11. I was thinking more generally, but yeah. Ortiz did us in a lot, too.
  12. Even Kenny Lofton because he could turn a walk into a triple.
  13. I don't like chickening out, though. These games don't mean anything. I want to see our guys pitch to him. Maybe they'll learn something.. and maybe we'll see more of Trout's excellence.
  14. I always keep this page bookmarked for quick reference on the probable starters for the next few games.
  15. Can Esh retire Trout even once? That's what I wanna know. Brooks didn't pitch well, so Esh needs at least a decent start tonight.
  16. Yac is opening for Esh. At least, that's what it says on mlb.com's probable pitchers page.
  17. Interesting indeed. I feel a strike may be even more likely than I thought and there's no reason any minor league players should be living in poverty. I think I'm firmly against an international draft at this point and can empathize a little more with why they might want to strike. Sounds like a huge mess that MLB seems intent on making worse.
  18. lol.. yeah it's wire mesh used to keep, in this case, birds away from my stuff but probably squirrels too. I'd never get any blueberries otherwise.
  19. Yeah, that's the problem with animals. They're great and all, but you can't tell them what to do. Rabbits keep eating the leaves off my morning glories and sometimes snap the stem at the bottom killing most of it. Rabbits started walking up to me pretty close recently. They're cute, but they're annoying. Urine deters them until it washes off, though. I have a small food garden, but it's enclosed all the way around and on top with chicken wire.
  20. Yeah, they are fascinating creatures. I always pick them up when I find one. The two I found this year were on the screen doors, so I took them and put them in one of my flowers. I can't remember the last time I saw even one praying mantis here. Kinda rare, but never seen two babies before. I hope they have a resurgence.
  21. Deer rarely ever come around here, but they are in areas not far from here. Too many houses and nowhere to hide. Did you know deer eat birds? So much for that whole herbivores thing. I found out not too long ago that almost every animal that can be called an herbivore are also opportunistic carnivores. Quite interesting. Take that, vegans! I wish I could just rip up the lawn and replace it with rocks.. or clovers maybe, they attract bees. Lawns are a pain to maintain.
  22. ..and found two baby praying mantis' this year. I hope they come back, those things are awesome.
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