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Everything posted by Legend_Of_Joey

  1. Scott is now on the 7 day DL for a blister.
  2. Considering all of their seasons end in slightly more than a month, he would have to move pretty soon to get more than 2 starts in a full season affiliate.
  3. Good to hear. 30 isn't much of anything, but a good start. Glad they didn't mention him feeling any pain, so hopefully he avoided any imminent damage.
  4. That's "if" the starters can even get to 5 at times. Though it would fit in with the Astros bullpen strategy. Seems to work for them.
  5. Same. Even though it didn't end up as the result they wanted.
  6. Allowed 2 runs after loading the bases and was replaced by Clevinger with 2 runners on.
  7. Falling apart in the 4th. Groundout, walk, stolen base and a wild pitch on two balls that weren't even close, then another walk.
  8. Scott it currently working in the 4th inning.
  9. Thanks for the review! I wonder if he is going to pitch in the Double A All Star game this week?
  10. Haven't seen him yet, so I'll take your word on that. I'm just worried about mechanics as we see how Akin had to miss a start to work on his before becoming...Well, awesome.
  11. Don't put it past the Orioles...
  12. Think he will be in Delmarva next season or go to Frederick?
  13. Ugh. They are going to make him blow his arm out.
  14. I guess it depends on how bad of a strain. A very, very minor strain could heal on its own with rest while a more worse strain would need surgery due to the tear being larger.
  15. I have a feeling all pitchers that were drafted will be. Haven't heard anything, just a feeling.
  16. Scott went 3 innings and allowed 2 hits, struck out 3, and walked 3. All three strike outs were in the 1st.
  17. There are also some games he goes a bit more with it. There are some games he doesn't seem to snap it down as much. There are some games he decides to throw as hard as he can. He is mainly getting "live" work, working on his command and testing out different slots/speeds/grips with human batters in a game instead of a bullpen. Part of the reason you shouldn't expect him in Baltimore this year and maybe not until September of next year.
  18. Hopefully this off season they start to convert him to reliever and do it again next season to see if he can handle the situations.
  19. He had an EXTREMELY rough night. Didn't get out of the 4th. 3.2 IP, 11 hits, 5 runs (all earned), 2 walks, 3 strikes outs, 1 home run. Had 91 pitches in that time (!!!) and 57 were strikes. He exited after loading the bases. Very, VERY rough.
  20. Yep. For some reason, they gave Jesus Liranzo the start and only had him go 3. I guess after all the saves he blew and all the late inning struggles he had, they'd try him as a starter again and had Barker be the "second half," ala Miguel Castro was for Tanner Scott.
  21. He is mixing in a slider a bit more each time and is still working on it. He is also working on another pitch, but I forgot what it was. That has been the main reason for the schedule he is on. Give him guaranteed game time and then have him on a scheduled bullpen session(s) so he can continue to work on stuff. I firmly believe they will stick with this schedule this season and evaluate him over the winter/spring. That seems to be the reason he was one of the first cuts this spring.
  22. Was talking about Bowie. Though I'd rather he be used as a closer at Bowie than "let me see how many saves I can blow" Liranzo...
  23. *Cymbal crash* He's here all week, folks!
  24. He's been on the "start every 5th day for 3 innings and throw bullpen sessions to work on control and other pitches" to give him some consistency right now. If he was moved to the bullpen, he might not throw in a game for a week. I'd prefer he continues like this for the season and gets his work, then reevaluate it in the off season if he makes solid progress like he has.
  25. He was having trouble finding the zone. His breaking ball was biting really good though, but his fastball didn't seem to have much zip on it.
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