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Everything posted by Legend_Of_Joey

  1. More of these moves will be coming. I’ll try and get a full list of FA’s.
  2. Could be for rest, or nagging injuries or they want to bring them to an Instructional season camp. Most of the time, teams only send one or two “top” names anyway and pitchers don’t throw that long.
  3. Just for comparison, the 2019 squad had: Alex Wells, Dean Kremer, David Lebron, Mason McCoy, TJ Nichting and Rylan Bannon.
  4. One late update: Ramon Rodriguez is now listed as “Taxi Squad.” First time I’ve ever seen this in the AFL.
  5. Updated the first post with the announcement of the team.
  6. If it helps, the Arizona Fall League is starting soon so there will be some Orioles news.
  7. I’ll admit, I typed in a lot of names that probably played in the last few seasons too that didn’t play this year. I only remembered Waddell because of his lone inning. But trying to remember how to spell a few of the names was interesting. This team needs more “Smiths” and “Wells” and less “Valaika” and “Krehbiel”’s.
  8. Well, it’s not much, but it’s a start. Neither were on the 40, but now they can wander off to other teams.
  9. Or they aren’t as good as it seems. AAA hitters tend to be better than AA and there is the difference in the ball, too.
  10. Yep, was about to update this and you beat me to it. What would be the odds they fire them, only to sign them to the MLB squad, since there is a need for a 3rd base coach and….Something else I can’t remember.
  11. Still wondering what’s going on. Haven’t seen Wynns start (or even really play) since he took the nut shot. Ciuffo has started 2 games. Does Severino have naked pics of Hyde and Elias?
  12. While I do agree, I can see the point some posters made about not sending some arms due to their innings.
  13. Well, the Orioles are surely trying their best to showcase Pedro. “Hey Ciuffo, welcome to the club! Grab any spot on the bench and get comfy.” With 3 catchers, it’s not hard to do some late inning replacing and getting guys off their feet at the end of a long season, especially since Pedro hasn’t really missed time.
  14. If Severino is behind the plate at Camden Yards next season, hopefully it is while he is on the visiting team.
  15. I could see some guys like Dan Hammer being sent. Pitchers who were coming back from injury and are just building innings.
  16. Looks like Diaz is going too, which makes 2 outfielders. Probably a rotation of OF and DH.
  17. They get an extra week of pay (and a raise at that.)
  18. Lebron could have been up sooner, along with Dorrian, but getting to see them this last week of the season could be good.
  19. With the emergence of Mullins this season, I wonder if limiting Hays’s time in center helped out. Less area to cover which might have helped keep his legs better and not having to dive after every ball.
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