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Redskins Rick

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Everything posted by Redskins Rick

  1. 20 is pretty unattainable, they skip their turn in the rotation, if their room-mates 2nd cousin twice removed has the sniffles.
  2. How well did it work for them, when they was in Landover, losing more than they won?
  3. PSLs are just a greedy way for the team to make more money from the fans.
  4. Yankees also charge PSLs to their season ticket holder, not sure too many others in MLB can get away with that.
  5. the way the train is traveling along the tracks, any help at all, would be an improvement.
  6. Is KG even amicable about coming back here to this team?
  7. MLB is in trouble, and yet, its not going to die out this decade. CABLE TV money is keeping it in the Black for profit margin. Will that continue to be the case, down the road? Maybe. Clearly there is an live attendance issue at hand.
  8. Horse Hockey. Granted they have spent a ton of money, but what has that got for them? Actually, in 2016, the Orioles out spent them 150M to 139M, and in 207, they both ramped it up, 175m to 182m Which backs up the theory that MLB is in trouble, most MLB are seeing this downward trend at the turnstiles.
  9. which is why they are called prospects. There are guys in the HOF, that had really bad minor league performances, which left scouts concerned about their possible MLB career.
  10. Like Drungo said, they dont have much skills to tweak, with MLB, its all or nothing.
  11. really good point and it does make one wonder.
  12. We love Grich as he is one of our guys, and we feel he gets screwed. Even Bobby admitted its a long shot for him, because of his offensive production. HOF doesnt care about defense and how many run scored you stopped, etc.
  13. My wife wants a Lincoln just because of that stupid McConaughey ad. LOL
  14. As bad as Manny has been since Aug, he still has a 2.9 WAR on the season. How many people on the 25 man Oriole Roster can better than? Not many
  15. You have to also look at this season WAR and Career WAR\, 8 times he was at least 3 times better than a replacement level and career of 55, is near the magical 60, that the baseball writers expect to see. No, he isn't a slam dunk, but he gets in and maybe not waiting until the veteran committee. IMO
  16. He got hit by a pitch around the 10-12 and took treatment for it. I really wonder, if he/they arent hiding an injury that needs the off-season to heal?
  17. I said before Andy, and specifically the 14 year period, when we could not land a big name FA, even when we waved money, the organization was considered a laughing stock and a joke.
  18. I dont believe FAs are looking at Baltimore as a last resort. Not like the days before Andy came to start fixing things.
  19. You could be right. I hate to base anything on this year. We all knew there would no reason to waste money on this season, but if the right talented free agent is available and not over priced, you dont think there is any chance they sign them?
  20. after the year he had. Doesn't he need to land somewhere on a cheap bounce back contract?
  21. Dang, now that you said it, you know it will happen.
  22. Sore biceps is the official clause. Not sure how legit that is. Hopefully, its just his body showing signs that he threw enough innings. Rest and treatment and see how he is in ST
  23. Dombrowski was given a clear plan, get the team into being contenders, and it worked for a few years. Ownership didnt care about the future and farm results, he wanted to win NOW, and I think Dombrowski did that.I dont believe in that type of management, but oh well, not my money.
  24. That would be a resounding YES
  25. I hate to say it, but it sounds like just another case, with "our" system did not develop the guys to the best of their ability. Little Yaz impressed me at double A. The way he was always hustling and had real baseball smarts, which not all the guys on this 25 man roster can say as much. The scouts could only see his actual skillset at the time, and that he would be at best a 4th COF on a deep team. Hard to rate a guy on the intangibles and the drive to succeed. Cal Jr, wasnt the fastest or the best player on the field just based on skills, but he had the fire and drive to succeed and do to whatever it took, so he could be in the position to make the play. Granted, I am not saying Yaz is an HOF. But, I will enjoy watching him as long as he can sustain a MLB pro career.
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