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Redskins Rick

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Everything posted by Redskins Rick

  1. at this stage, I would settle for everybody being good.
  2. Not only are the balls juiced. But, some of the OH posters are inebieated.
  3. Im torn, I dont want to defend or attack it, as I think its too early to tell if that was the issue.
  4. Personally, and I have no insider knowledge. I would hope that if Hyde knew about the soreness, why even run him out there?
  5. they said back in April they would be no restrictions or limits, they took the "gloves off". Did they mess up, maybe? Too early to be complaining, since we really dont know the extent of whats going on. These days, a pitcher gets a hangnail, its rest him for a few days. Old days, a pitcher get a blister, they would piss on it, to toughen the skin. These days, its a week off to rest.
  6. 50+ has been thrown a brunch of times over the past decade. I dont see 33, being that far out of the "norm"
  7. I suspect the majority of pitchers are right handed.
  8. 33 pitch count isnt the problem. But, that doesnt stop the pot stirrers from stirring the pot.
  9. Meanwhile, a good majority of Birdland is holding their breath, waiting to see what happens next.
  10. Not too wild about their on the road record either.
  11. These days, I dont care who the pitcher is, but, when you hear words like soreness. You automatically jump to the worst case, and assume he is done for this year, and maybe even next. Not picking on you Bob, but, this is the current state of mind, in all the fans. IMO
  12. Oh hell, there I go, breaking another fashion code.
  13. Im a huge Under Armour fan, and I wear these all the time.
  14. I started to make another joke, but I thought better, dealing with daily back pain, the last thing I need to do, is to be uncompassionate of a fellow human's pain.
  15. Dang your orthopaedic fit in them? Good for you. :):):):)
  16. Thats too funny. Im not quite 66, and I own Redskins sneakers, and tried to get Oriole ones, a few years ago, or even black with orange swish, and coudn't find any.
  17. I dont see Oriole fans (or anything other baseball team) walking around in tennis shoes blazen with their team's name and colors. But, you can see that here with the Ravens and Redskins.
  18. I mentioned the something about this subject the other day, when we was dicussing the downward spiral that MLB is in, and some of the posters stuck to their guns, that Baseball is the only sport. They are welcome to that belief, but I dont share it.
  19. I guess, I never thought of it like that. Fantasy Baseball is still pretty big.
  20. i doubt a majority of the fans are into gambling on their teams. but, heck, Ive been wrong before.
  21. and DC is doing the same thing with the Nationals, Redskins, Redskins and Redskins. I know this is not supported by this baseball board, but the NFL has long overtaken MLB as more followed sport.
  22. True, he was so good, he carryed them to a shortened world series win!
  23. Correct, but miracles do happen, look at Dempsey and WS MVP, granted easier to be a 7 game MVP, then the entire season.
  24. https://www.masnsports.com/school-of-roch/2019/09/minor-and-manto-among-latest-dismissals-from-orioles-organization.html Sounds like Elias is more ready to bring his people on board.
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