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Redskins Rick

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Everything posted by Redskins Rick

  1. True, and many people feel that way. NFL still have enough fans to broadcast on the open airwaves their games, well, except for blackout ones. I dont recall seeing that many MLB on regular TV airwaves. If the market was there, they would air it.
  2. I think thats pretty much one of the few givens (No pun intended) that we know about the 2020 season.
  3. This system isnt that deep, where losing somebody because of the 40 man roster, is not going to be that much of an impact either way.
  4. Everybody has different tastes in sports. While the NFL is seeing a drop off in ticket sales, I do not believe its near the drop off in MLB sales. I believe if you look at sport merchandize sales figures, that might be a good indication of which sport is doing better. IMO, I do not see baseball, being our #1 sport, as it was with I was growing up.
  5. Some Scouts were never sold on Liltle Yaz being anything more than a 4th COF on a deep team, if that, including Tony-OH. I said at the time, that watching him at Bowie, to my unprofessional eye, he stood head and toes above the others. Not so much, by looking at his metrics. But, by watching how, he ran out his hits, how he ran to the fly in the outfield, taking extra bases when the COF wasnt hustling. Little Yaz, seamed to have impecable baseball smarts and looked like he was taught the correct way to play the game.
  6. The Orioles need to be kicking themselves, for not recognizing the talent they had here.
  7. The team sucks this year, so why take the time and money to watch them. I get it, I havent gone as much as I typically do.
  8. So if the seams was smaller on the ball, and less drag, then in theory the same hit in the air fly, could carry up and over the wall for a HR?
  9. Do you pay money to take the family to the movies? Do those stars perform to the level of their abilities every time? Do you pay money to take the family to concerts, do those people bring their A voice, every time?
  10. it is. Baseball can be execuriating slow game to watch at times. The current kids and the younger generations are into the electronics and faster paced games. They have next to no interest in watching a nine inning game.
  11. So much for $30 Sept solving the attendance problem.
  12. Villar is a decent cog, to help field a team, while it rebuilds and add better player. I would not look for him to be here long term. IMO
  13. MLB thinks the long ball will save the game, theyve felt that way for quite a while
  14. I totally agree, but he was hired under the old regime, which I am sure, clouds things up some.
  15. I think Mills is more wanting to know, if the Org will keep him. https://www.masnsports.com/school-of-roch/2019/09/mills-on-his-first-year-managing-and-uncertain-future.html
  16. I have no doubt his bat can play at the MLB. I have serious doubts his glove is anything more than occassional backup catcher.
  17. True, But from an organizational point of view, you knew there was a logjam at first and DH, so why not be proactive and start working on versitility and other options? Of course, that regime is gone now.
  18. Sounds really cool, I wonder what their plans on, after the game. Cant seam them doing this for 1 game, and then done.
  19. LMBO. I was totally confused at first.
  20. damn spliendid idea, Iowa State fair is supposed to be the best fair in the USA,.
  21. Then Iowa, let Costner build the stadium, and they will come.
  22. Or maybe, the first MLB team in Mexico, maybe Cancuns?
  23. Kentucky supports their Wildcats, I dont see them supporting MLB. Maybe move the Nationals even futher south into Nashville?
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