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Redskins Rick

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Everything posted by Redskins Rick

  1. That and they werent livelong Ray fans either. Not sure what the extract ratio is those "outsiders" and those born and raised in the area.
  2. Manny is so atheletic, I think he could probably play any position on the diamond, including catcher,. Mancini got his first COF at the ML, and for me, common sense, says you do this in the minors, but, heck what do I know.
  3. Pirates had maybe 1,000 people in the stands for a regular season game. https://www.si.com/extra-mustard/2019/09/05/thursday-hot-clicks-pirates-marlins-pnc-park-attendance The official attendance for the game was 9,043, which would have been 24% of PNC Park’s capacity. But there couldn’t have been more than, what, 1,000 people actually in the stands? That’s unbelievable. MLB has an attendance issue across most of baseball.
  4. The Yankees already have an afillation with the Marlins down in Miami, its their AAAA squard.
  5. In spite of the DC ties (Note: DC, and not Nationals) to Annapolis too. Personally, I see Annapolis as a swing city with ties to both markets. It will get even grayer in the future, when this whole metropolian area becomes a mega city.
  6. Given his bat, I think his bat is fixable at some level for MLB. Not sure his glove is fixable behind the plate.
  7. Yaz, funny you should mention him. We let him go, he was not supposed to be able to be a daily COF, and at best maybe a bench COF on a deep team.
  8. So you are in disagreement that the Astros didnt win the WS based on work Elias and his team did for the GM?
  9. Elias did build the Astros, by installing a mechanism to better look at satistics and allow them to draft better. It worked once, here's hoping he repeats his magic.
  10. Great ref site thanks. I scrolled through some of the other teams. Guess, I was out of wrack for expecting more from a 2nd rounder. Thanks
  11. and some of those opinions are wrong assumptions and in some cases totally impossible.
  12. There is always going to be that "outter" that devies logic, and are the 1 percenters of the population. I once had a coworker, who really did have a photographic memory. Ask him to tell you what was written on page 125 on book XXXXX and he could recite it. Blew us away.
  13. Sisco was a 2nd rounder, so I don't think, its unrealistic to have expected him to be at least a decent daily player, not a stud, but a serviable daily guy. Clearly, our draft team in place at that time, made the round selection.
  14. and they turn the blind eye, when the paper turned in, was clearly wrote by somebody else, or downloaded from the internet. My only question, is how the heck do they pass the darn bar, or do they have to?
  15. The paper shingle on the wall behind the person's desk, is meaningless to if they know how to do their job. Some of the skaters who went to Ivy league schools thanks to Daddy's money and into Daddy's firm, in a made up position, can't hold a stick compared to somebody that earned their degree, studied and worked their arse off for it.
  16. Very true, dumb. Lack of anything else worth talking about in the sports world, and pot stirers.
  17. I think there was a few OH posters who questioned the selection of Sisco as a catcher. His bat wasn't going to be the issue. Weather he has the skillset to perform at a demanding position.
  18. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S88qFEDgXH8
  19. You still have to take the bar exam and pass it.
  20. EBW never once said, he wanted to move the team. It was wildly speculated that he would. How about this thread for an old trip down memory lane.
  21. Of course they are, but, typically, they do things to get that money, and end up, going in and out of jail as a result. I am very familiar with this as I saw my own nephew follow this route, until he OD. Celebrities/Ball Players with money, rarely end up in jail. They end up in the news, going to rehab or on tmz because they overdosed. You might want to watch, the A&E show, 60 Days in Nacroland, and its goes behind the scenes and tries to show the problems.
  22. Your irgnorance is overflowing today. I dislike Angelos as much as anybody. To put down somebody because of their ability to pay for a Ivy league education, is an elistist attitude. You do realise that not every lawyer that wants to practice, can, there is somebody very difficult to do, and that is the bar exam. You can dislike how he made his money, but you can't dispute that it took intelligence and articulationing his cases before the court system. Let me know, when you become a billionaire and I will gladly eat my straw hat.
  23. Worked well for litte Yaz!!!!
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