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Posts posted by MongoBoy

  1. 1 hour ago, Going Underground said:

    Golden State Warriors to play first NBA game without fans after San Fran bans large crowds due to coronavirus fears

    Yes, but it's okay to have poop, pee, vomit, and used syringes just laying around.  And the homeless sleeping in doorways with their dogs.

  2. 43 minutes ago, DrungoHazewood said:

    So why would he make the team?  Compromising photographs of Rick Dempsey?  Information tying Angelos to the Kennedy assassination?  

    I think the reality is that he'll make the team if the O's think he's deserving, whether or not you share that opinion.

    Careful there.  You're starting to stray into that 'political' area.  You know what happens when that happens to be happening when eventually it does happen.  And it will happen cause it happens.



  3. 1 hour ago, BRobinsonfan said:

    While I think those things are possible I think there's obviously still a lot we don't know about the virus.  From what I've read it's still possible that containment will mitigate the impact. From what I've read we don't know if new cases will be reduced as we head into spring.  This thread started by asking the question will "Could the Major League Season be cancelled or postponed."  I think it's definitely possible.  

    In discussing this topic I think we have to be careful of straying too far into economics and government response, etc. because it starts to turn the thread political and that never works out.  Plus, there are plenty of other places we can do that.  

    It probably should go under the RANT thread?

  4. 1 hour ago, atomic said:

    I think we are handling it more like Iran than South Korea.  I am not sure why the President is so much more interest in a stimulus package than working on containing the disease.  Stimulus package won't do anything for the economy if the country is closed like Italy is right now. 

    What is he supposed to do?  He delegates authority.  They come to him to offer advice.  It's hard to do anything if the underlings aren't doing anything.

    Besides that, no matter what he says or does, the media will always say he's not doing anything. 


    ---I think we are handling it more like Iran than South Korea---  

    Do we have hospitals with body bags lined up of the virus dead?


    Or, are American doctors dancing?


    I haven't seen anything about us not licking door knobs at shrines.



  5. 2 minutes ago, Redskins Rick said:

    At the current point in time.

    The FLU is more deadly than CORNAVIRUS is.

    With that said, the elderly, the young, and those with health risks are the most susceptible to this.

    We should be aware of this situation, and monitor it, but the mass hype and hysteria are way out there.

    There is a run on toilet paper, hand sanitizer, gloves and wipes. Prices have sky rocketed and people are jumping in to make their money.

    I think those that run events that cater to the public, need to keep an eye on things and start having a contingency plan in place, that is prudent.



    In other words, those with a compromised immune system.




  6. 1 minute ago, atomic said:

    Last Monday there were 89 confirmed cases of Coronavirus in US.  Today there are 550.  In Italy two weeks ago 20 cases. Now 7500.  In Korea and China they did a great job of containment.  In Western countries a terrible job.  

    You keep talking up how China is such a great place to be, why not go there?  But, just don't criticize the government.  We would never see you on this site, or anywhere, ever again.

  7. 4 hours ago, atomic said:

    I think we are under reacting by a long shot.  In Wuhan province it was 6 percent death rate.  The recovered to death rate still remains 94 percent recover to  6 percent death.  The number infected doubles every 3 days.  15 percent who recovered required manual ventilation. There aren’t enough ventilators to take care of everyone.

    A mild case includes pneumonia. And breathing problems after recovery.  The one good thing it doesn’t seem to have much effect on small children.

    if you are under 40 and in good health you most likely survive after a bout of pneumonia.  I guess if you don’t know any of any people over 50 and don’t care about that population you will just have to deal with a major recession.

    You sure are putting a lot of faith in what a communist regime is putting out there.

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