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Posts posted by MongoBoy

  1. On 2/5/2020 at 5:26 PM, Frobby said:

    Honestly I think the only real advantage of cryptocurrencies is the ability to launder money and/or avoid reporting financial transactions to tax authorities.    Using it as an investment is purely speculative IMO.

    IRS is going after those people who are not reporting their gains. Crypto exchanges are required to report all transactions to IRS.


  2. On 1/29/2020 at 3:28 PM, jarman86 said:

    You should see 1917.  So good.  Taken in 2 takes too, which is extremely impressive.  Of course they don't mention how many takes it took to get the two long takes.  And I'm still baffled how the world fought battles the way they did in WWI and how anyone survived.  

    I was going to watch it but the only ones available not in the theater are cam videos.  But it is on my list as soon as a good torrent is released.

    My mother's uncle was in Haller's Blue Army.  I have many of his medals, but unfortunately, there are no records of him and exactly what he did in that war.

  3. Not a documentary watcher, but, Peter Jackson's WW1 film They Shall Not Grow Old was excellent.  The transitions from b/w to color and the cleanup of that footage is remarkable considering the footage was a hundred years old.  Another good film, unfortunately, about a total waste of life.

  4. He'll play where Mancini is.  Cause we all know Mancini will play 1st when Davis pulls something.  And we know Davis WILL pull something.  The question is: what will he pull this time?  I vote a bicep.

  5. 16 hours ago, GuidoSarducci said:


    Didn't Ted Williams admit he wouldn't have hit .400 if he had to play in the league after 1960?



    He still maintains that to this day.  That is when his lawyer brings him out for some fresh air and a comment.



  6. 6 hours ago, Mr. Chewbacca Jr. said:

    Couldn't agree more. Trying to suspend the players would be insane. MLB got the information it did because they offered immunity to the players. If they don't, I really doubt they'd have the evidence they'd need to get through a suspension appeal with the Player's Union. Hell, players can charge the mound and punch a pitcher in the face - and they usually get a reduction in suspension when there are twenty different camera angles and 30,000 witnesses to it. I don't see MLB prevailing in an appeal when they'd be using shaky testimony without a ton of evidence.

    This isn't like a crime case where you offer a plea deal to get one guy to flip on everyone else. Without immunity, the Astros probably don't answer anything.

    They definitely deserved punishment, but I don't see how MLB could have fairly figured out that mess without opening up a bunch of cans of worms.




    Yup.  MLB is not a legal body.  They can offer immunity to anyone and anyone can lie without recourse cause they are not under oath.  Or is MLB a law enforcement agency?  I think not.

  7. 3 minutes ago, Philip said:

    Mariano Rivera was a class act, and I have nothing against Jeter, but wasn’t his defense pretty terrible? I’m glad he wasn’t unanimous because I honestly don’t think he deserves to be.

    Everybody goes all puppy dog eyes about Jeter because he was a Yankee. If he’d been a diamondback, or a Ranger, or a mariner, yeah he’d still get in, but nobody would be anointing him as the risen Savior.

    With regards to Rivera, I still don't think that one should get a 'save' when his team is up by 3 runs going into the last at bat.  I'd like to know how many innings throughout history a team scored 3 runs or more in an inning.  That is, at least, before the juiced ball era.

  8. Just now, tntoriole said:

    Me too.  I would have voted against him to keep him from unanimous  in a heartbeat. I have no problem dissing Jeter and his whining at the plate and the MFYs.

    Yes, the 'team player' who refused to move from SS to 2nd to make room for the best player in the game at the time.

    Did Costas also mention that Jeets had the worst range of any SS?

  9. 3 hours ago, MDtransplant757 said:

    I'll have to check into that. I claim myself on everything deduction wise. 

    As I said, I'm no expert.  But then, when it comes to taxes, no one is.

  10. 12 hours ago, MDtransplant757 said:

    I make under 30K, so I get all the money i put in sans SS back. I normally wait because the community college by my house offers a free tax program so I can file my taxes and get my refund without having to pay for anything. I'll be checking to see if ODU has something similar to that, but if I can get all the $ I can back, then that's more beneficial in the long run rather than throwing 20-30 dollars to H&R Block. 

    Been there.  However, depending on how much is taken out of your check, you can change the number of allowances on your W-4.  I am no expert on this, but getting a $0 refund is what everyone should be shooting for.  Why give it to the gov't and get nothing in return. Just do a search on how to adjust your withholding.

    Of course, this doesn't cover people who are sole proprietors.  We all get it right in the butt.

  11. If people do it right, they should not be getting a 'refund' from taxes.  The gov't is taking money from you (or you're giving it freely) and then returning it with no interest.  What a deal, for them. If one does their taxes correctly, you give them only what they are supposed to have.  The extra per month that you keep should already be put into something that is collecting interest.  By waiting for a refund, you've already missed out on several months of making a bit extra.

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