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Posts posted by MongoBoy

  1. 23 hours ago, backwardsk said:

    24 year old gets shot and killed in my town by 52 year old neighbor.  Long standing feud about loud music and dog poop.  52 year old is an ex cop who killed two other people on duty about 20 years ago.  

    Taking a life because of music and dog poop.

    One can only take so much of either.  There is no courtesy left in this world.

  2. 19 minutes ago, atomic said:

    The WHO just upped the death rate to 3.5 percent.  SARs during the virus was said to have a 2 percent death rate.  After it was over the final stats said 9 percent.


    Actually, the WHO's death rate is 50%  Entwistle and Moon are dead, leaving Townshend and Daltrey.


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  3. 1 hour ago, BRobinsonfan said:

    I don't think they'd have to ban attendance for Orioles games.  The virus will only impact sporting events that draw large crowds.  (Sorry, gallows humor).  

    That type of humor is not permitted 'round here (or so I'm told).




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  4. 3 minutes ago, scOtt said:

    Probably was me who gave you the link. But BEWARE!!! That site is not working well this year so far. You can get video... but if I try to full-screen the video, or unmute it, Norton says you're entering a restricted site trying to steal your data. I've trusted Mr. Norton for... 25+ years now. Even when he got bought out by Evil Bill. Anyways... approach with caution.

    Malwarebytes was telling me that also.  I'm not too worried, tho.  Mine, and everyone else's info is out there anyway.  What else can they take?  However, they could take control of my AI chick when I have her hooked up to wifi.  Now that would be interesting.



  5. 3 minutes ago, scOtt said:

    On his weight/muscle gain, I read Roch reports and Davis quotes that he was down weight on purpose, but that by the end of the long grind of a season he was significantly down in weight. I think that is where most of the weight gain came from. But he's also bulked up. Nobody can look at a picture of him now and deny that.

    0-1 today but still productive. Out was a warning track fly to left knocked down by the wind. Sac fly on the easiest swing ever to right, and also walked to come in on Nunez's homer. 'Sbeen quite a nice day.


    Did gak a catch on a nubber to the pitcher (or catcher, can't remember) but that's just baseball.

    But, no one exploded an H-bomb today.

    • Thanks 1
  6. A strikeout doesn't move a runner.  And when he had those 199 k's, how many times was the game on the line?  Any guy can hit 50 hrs and have 150 rbis, how many of those runs won the game, and how many k's lost the game? 

    The last couple of years, it seemed that when there were 2 strikes on him, he knew he was out with the next pitch.  Hopefully, he's overcome that.

  7. 12 minutes ago, Moose Milligan said:


    That said...hey, whatever.  We'd all love to see Davis get back to a 40+ homer guy.  It was fun when he was hitting bombs.  If he can somehow iron himself out and get back to that, that'd be quite a story.  And if we still can't trade him, at least he'd be finishing his contract on a high note and we'll have had some fun moments watching him.

    Is it really worth watching him hit 40+ only to strike out 200+ times?   With many of those times with runners on?

  8. On 2/29/2020 at 3:09 PM, DirtyBird said:

    I actually witnessed Davis illegally dumping used mattresses, motor oil, tires and needles in a back alley in West Baltimore

    That's not illegal in West Baltimore.  Maybe making a right on red when flashing light says no...that might be.

  9. 15 hours ago, atomic said:

    I was backing up and this guy come flying up going through a stop sign after I started backing up.  Well I finish backing into the lane blocking him and then pull forward facing him but he is in the middle of the traffic lane so there is no where to go for me.  So he starts yelling at me. 

    I got very angry for several reasons.  He was a small guy. Maybe 5' 4" or 5' 5".   And not muscular.  Second he was probably close to my age. Probably he was late 40's. And third he had a piece of crap car.  So he would have never spoken to me outside of the safety of his car.  Plus he looked like a loser at life.   In every way he was inferior to me as he also yelled at a stranger when it is was all his fault.   

    Sounds to me like a Skankee fan.

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