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Posts posted by MongoBoy

  1. 2 minutes ago, survivedc said:



    To hope that a player who has done plenty of good things for this team and is not at fault for the exorbitant contract he was given has fallen so low that he is forced to make a decision that most likely harms his own body (in the long run), further embarrasses his team and destroys his remaining legacy, such that it is, is pathetic from where I stand.

    Can this team get any more embarrassed?  Look to the future.


  2. 3 hours ago, atomic said:

    I was reading the article in the Washington Post yesterday that really stuck the entitlement issue. 

    So some girl was at her middle school dance and some guy she didn't like ask her to dance and the Principal told the girls they couldn't say no to boys when they asked them to dance.  The Mother sent some choice comments to the principal.

    This sense of entitlement has gone crazy. No you don't get to dance with the pretty girl just because you want to.  I mean who comes up with this nonsense. And this was slow dancing as well.  Rejection is good for you. It tells you work on yourself and improve yourself.  Dress better, exercise, improve your social skills etc.  It is a valuable life lesson to get rejected.  


  3. 57 minutes ago, atomic said:

    I have come around to not stopping the season and allowing fans at all games.  It isn't so deadly for people under 50.   And it is probably more widespread than people think.  I think it is inevitable that this is spread widely before a vaccine is created.  We can't hide for 18 months until the vaccine comes out.   

    Don't worry.  Dr. McCoy is on the case.




  4. 5 hours ago, Going Underground said:

    We would have enough kits but the ones we have are not reliable.

    New York City and New York State are developing their own tests to detect the coronavirus amid issues with a test developed by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Buzzfeed News reported

    Earlier this month, the CDC released a genetic test in the US for the virus, which was sent to approximately 100 state and city labs, in addition to overseas sites. However, the test’s results were proven unreliable, and fewer than a dozen labs produced definite results, according to the report.



    That's okay.  I'll take what Buzzfeed says with less than a grain of salt.

  5. 40 minutes ago, Philip said:

    I don’t know how you find time during your busy day to come up with all this stuff. Did you actually do a Google search for, “two trash cans chasing each other down the street”?

    Actually, "Methodology of Trashcan Procreation".

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  6. 22 minutes ago, Philip said:

    I want the answer to this question:

    “How many times did the trashcan bang while you were at bat?”

    Why is it when I read that question, all I can think of is "how much wood can a woodchuck chuck"?

  7. On 2/4/2020 at 4:32 PM, Dipper9 said:

    I had my appendix removed one week before Christmas, 2006.  I had never seen 24, but my big brother had them on DVD.  I binged 5 seasons in 3 weeks and was all caught up when season 6 premiered in January 2007!  My favorite show ever!

    Never understood 24 in the fact that there was a terrorist attack, CTU comes in to do their job, but were supposed to be some hi-tech agency and they always had a mole that infiltrated their unit.

  8. If Greg Maddux can throw a complete game in 1 hour and 46 minutes, that would mean that after a pitch, he didn't wait around for the oppo to even have a chance to steal pitches.  So what is the problem today?  I'll bet credits to navy beans, it has to do with sponsors and their dollars.  The longer the game, the more their money is put to good use.  More time for commercials.  It always comes down to money.

  9. 7 hours ago, scOtt said:

    I hated those two together because it was so contentious. Worst pairing of the broadcst team IMO. Even Hunter and Bordick was better. (I like Bordick.)

    I don't mind Bordick either.  That is, until he does any kind of replay where he needs to put heavy emphasis on every other word.

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