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Everything posted by MongoBoy

  1. Of course there are less homers. No Oriole is pitching.
  2. Yooouuuuuu asked for it. And it will 40 years ago tomorrow that they clinched the Series. With the Steelers having already won Super Bowl XIII, Pittsburgh also became the second city to win both the Super Bowl and the World Series in the same year, with the New York Jets and the New York Mets winning titles in 1969. The O's were responsible for both. Ugh.
  3. I'm watching on the internet. There is NOTHING like listening to the Skankees losing a game in either Polish or Russian or whatever Slavic language it is. No John Sterling, Suzy Waldman, or Joe Buckedup on FS1. Just Janek, or Stefan, or Yuri. Maybe a Vlad. It's hard to tell.
  4. Billy sure has put on some poundage, hasn't he?
  5. This team will suck as long as an Angelos has their name on the checks. All this team can look forward to is trying to beat out the Blow Jays every year. And that is a low standard. Soccer is looking more appealing than watching this team. I give a lot of kudos for you guys who have watched these guys the whole past two plus years. And this is coming from a guy who has been following them O's since 1968.
  6. He's a bum. We want to spend money on real hitters. And it's on Bluray.
  7. "79. Those goddam whistles. And Sister Sludge to boot.
  8. Manny: "Hey Buck. I'm gonna play over here." Buck: "That's fine. Whatever you want."
  9. MongoBoy

    Postseason picks

    I just hate the skanks. One of the last teams to allow black players on their team. I think all of their championships should be given back because of their racist past. They should also have the stadium torn down. "I finally get a ------, and he can't run"-- Casey Stengel
  10. I'm rooting for the team that will beat the Skankees. Hopefully, they don't get past the Twinkies.
  11. Is it over? Can I go now? Snoopy is da man!
  12. It is the last game, and I'd like to stick around, but...
  13. That's what she said. (Bad boy.)
  14. Is CD gonna compete with Boog with Davis' Doggy Dogs?
  15. And Barry Melrose is still crying about it to this day. He has never said anything nice about the Habs in 25 years. He just smirks when he has to talk about them.
  16. If I were French, I would have spelled that correctly.
  17. How dare you lump THE Canadiens in with the Blow Jays. That is sacrilege. SACRELEBLEU!
  18. They're saving it for opening day next year. Gotta save some money somewhere so as to pay Davis.
  19. I've been out of the baseball loop cause the weather has been gorgeous because of this global warming thing. I came across this on youboob. I guess this is one of those videos that really sum up the season.
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