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Everything posted by MongoBoy

  1. Working on how to break a bat over his left leg?
  2. Thought they were playing tonite. They're not. I call that a win.
  3. Why go to the gym? You can stay home, watch the O's, and have the cats spot you.
  4. Why are people down on El Trumbo? Do any of you really think that he will make the team any worse?
  5. Just another O that this team discarded, unfortunately.
  6. Trade away core players to get garbage in return. What a concept.
  7. Jeter? The guy who refused to move to 2nd base so the best player in the game could play his normal position?
  8. I love threads like this. Last year he was to be the O's savior. This year he's a ...dog.
  9. Management should say they will extend him for another 10 years. Just won't give him any more money.
  10. If you're not part of their clique, you're an outsider and need to be destroyed. Sort of, like, the news business.
  11. You're talking about a liberal mecca. No one up there wants a multimillionaire to succeed.
  12. I'm not giving him any of my stash. He can afford to buy his own.
  13. Slip him some Adderall and be done with it. He did better while he was high.
  14. Heck. If Porn hookers can disregard a NDA, why can't everyone?
  15. Yup. 1 for 4 with a bloop single and 3 K's will hardly make this go away.
  16. I'll make a deal with the parties. If they are willing to pay my tax bill this year, I will not bother even thinking about their situation. They have til Monday to respond.
  17. Seems like the O's always get them. ie Sammy Sosa, Glenn Davis
  18. Was that after he thought he could take on Nolan Ryan?
  19. Home Run contest. $1 million to the winner. He needs the cash.
  20. She should be ready for spring training next year. Just working on her stance right now.
  21. Palmer even said something about that. "He could easily lay one down but he doesn't even know, or practice, bunting." (to that effect)
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