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  1. Agreed, but I guess they want to include Davis in his first game off the IL. Might see DJ off the bench at some point? Just to cycle guys in.
  2. And if you want to go back further, we held onto Roberts and Mora as well. Mussina and Machado are the only major homegrown players who we failed to keep in the Angelos era, right? I'm blanking on any other names.
  3. How much of this is advanced scouting? There's just so much effort invested in studying major leaguers now, and although I'm sure teams put together fairly comprehensive scouting reports on guys in the upper minors, pitch profiles and the like can't really be assembled in the same way when a guy is facing even slightly worse pitchers.
  4. The franchise will be fine. We’re still 19th in the league in attendance this year, and profits league-wide have never been higher. Ownership isn’t even crying poor, because nobody would buy it.
  5. One of those balls that all of our internal spidey senses told us he had no chance on but he still came oh so close. Reminded me of the Valera catch against the A's last September, and would have been my second favorite play so far this season, after the Martin play which preceded it!
  6. I'd be genuinely thrilled to see Bleier at the ASG
  7. Only a slightly related thought, but - should teams value players differently based on how advanced their team's player development is? For example, Orioles pitchers over the past five-ish years have consistently improved when they leave the organization, meaning they might have been undervalued by statistical analysis or scouting simply because their organization wasn't putting them in a position to succeed. Players from "smart" teams, on the other hand (like Martin from Oakland and Jackson from LA) might be closer to their ceilings because of superior player development. I wonder if front offices have started to factor that in.
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