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  1. Should probably move this to the minors section. I don't see him in the majors again this season.
  2. Great post. You have summed up the lack of excitement perfectly. Just a boring team to watch now.
  3. I saw this scrolling on Instagram and just assumed it was a joke. Guess I was wrong
  4. I doubt there will be a change but I'm sure it would be someone who is on the Elias/Sig train of thinking.
  5. This is kind of where I'm at with Holliday as well. Maybe my expectations were to high for him. The good thing is he is so young still. I won't be surprised if he turns into a perennial All Star or league average 2b. I've been pretty disappointed in Mayo's lack of defensive development at 3b too. In the minors I'd go with Beavers or De Leon. I saw Beavers play in person a few times last year and he looked like a guy who was just starting to grow into his body. I have never seen De Leon pitch in person but the drop in command is concerning. Although I would be curious if they just let him start at the beginning of the games if he would be more consistent.
  6. I think guys like Holliday and Gunnar have the hit tool where it's just a matter of opportunities. I doubt they really saw any lefties in their life until they reached the minors. And they both flew through the minors on top of that. I'm not as certain though on Cowsers hit tool.
  7. Even though Mayo is struggling, I'd still give him all Eloys at bats.
  8. I think it depends on how many innings he can get before the playoffs. If he can only get 2 starts and no more then 3 innings in AAA, then it's worth a conversation at least. I'm guessing he has never pitched in relief in his entire life though. Getting used to a day or two of rest while also learning how to get warmed up quick is tough for some guys. It would be cool though to see him come in and start blowing 100 past guys.
  9. It is rather ironic that we traded two Minor Leaguers for a major leaguer and now the two Minor Leaguers are in the majors. While the guy we traded for is in AAA. Not apples to apples, I know.
  10. Still can't believe we played Frazier over him last year.
  11. Verlander was down in the low 90's at one point and eventually got back up to the mid-high 90's.
  12. Did you pull that from opm.gov leadership principles
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