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Roll Tide

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Roll Tide last won the day on November 24 2022

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About Roll Tide

  • Birthday 01/22/1971

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    Ravens, Orioles, Football Official, Food, Money, Traveling
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    The Mountain
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    Larry Sheets

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  1. If they are World Series bound which is he goal he’d have to pitch more than twice.
  2. Sounds like from their fansite that Robert can be had for middling prospects in exchange for paying off Benintendi’s contract.
  3. I’m sure their fansite is hating it…..especially since they were bashing him like he was an old bust.
  4. Crochet has 1 good season….Cease was a good starter with an elite season. I don’t see how the return would be the same. Besides ….Cease returned a low #85 top 100 and some filler. Cowser is better by far than a #85 prospect. Why would we need to give 3 others players? In fact Cowser and Norby would be way to much.
  5. I prefer going longer ….Kelley and Cleavinger from Tampa.
  6. So are you saying Scherzer and Yates or Scherzer or Yates. Usually / mean choice.
  7. I’d be contacting the Rays about Cleavinger and Kelly
  8. @sportsfan8703 The Scherzer deal ….would you trade Bautista if the deal included Teodo ( instead of Stephan) and maybe a younger DSL type pitcher?
  9. We have plenty of options with Stowers, Kjerstad, Cowser, Norby, and Bill Cook. Plus we have O’Hearn. Plus Hays and Mullins each for 1 more year.
  10. They have a couple 30 something nonclosers in Cleavinger and Kelly.
  11. So the Rays traded Civale with 1 more year of control for fast rising #19 Cleveland organizational prospect in SS Gregory Barrios.
  12. I get the years of control… but I don’t get the high price tags for a relief pitcher with 60 big league innings. I don’t know how that commands the #20 prospect …. Btw looking at MLBs top 100 I don’t see Kjerstad. We only have 3 top 100 and nothing after Mayo at #15. ***** Kjerstad must’ve dropped off the prospect list due to service time ****
  13. I think they should use some to get a long term ACE and keep some.
  14. I think we shouldn’t count our chickens before they hatch
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