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Philip last won the day on November 20 2021

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  • Location
    Where it gets cold by November and warms up by March
  • Occupation
    Working as little as possible
  • Favorite Current Oriole
    Hmmm Probably John Means
  • Favorite All Time Oriole
    Honestly, Nate Mclouth or Ryan Flaherty

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Hangout Grand Counsel

Hangout Grand Counsel (14/14)

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  1. I dislike long-term contracts because they usually don’t turn out. But if we gave that guy 10/300 would he take it? He could be Mike Trout. Plus, we’re legitimate World Series contenders and the angels never were.
  2. This is a walk off home run call by someone who must be the As announcer? Hello, I dunno…just listen. Your life will be better.
  3. Yeah, we’ve talked about this before, Jonah is not doing well, but he’s batting about 40 points higher than McCann, is a better framer and thrower and I think he has more power. So he has excellent defense and hits much better. He’d be a huge step up. But Texas isn’t going to sell, even if they should. It would look too bad to the fanbase.
  4. We wouldn’t lose him for nothing, we DFA him, he would be claimed, and then we would work out some kind of cash considerations deal, or something for a low level prospect. Yes, he’s valuable, and I really mean that, but the fact is if we don’t need and we don’t need him. I remember one of my teachers in high school bought a new car and just gave away the old car even though it was a 1960 opel in perfect condition…man, she should have given it to me…
  5. They are the defending champions, it would look very bad if they folded tents, although they have a few guys I’d like to get. I’ve already mentioned Jonah Heim, who would be a tremendous upgrade from our current back up, and I wouldn’t mind John Gray either.
  6. I much prefer “Silent J” because it is unique. It’s hard to find another person who could use it. Well, outside, Norway or Finland that is.
  7. I hate the radio advertising cutting in before the baseball voice finish talking. Grrr.
  8. So, is Kjersted up for good?
  9. Ha! Listen to the Rangers feed. They are far better than anything the Orioles offer, and they are very respectful of the Os.
  10. I’m sorry I wasn’t clear, I was saying that although I’m not in favor of bringing up McDermott, it might be worth trying. I didn’t suggest that Mike would do so. I also firmly think that if we are going to risk someone with a terrible BB rate, it would be wise to bring up McDermott than to acquire Scott. But I would prefer to do neither.
  11. This is a very interesting topic and I wish I paid closer attention. It seems that with pitching being in such demand, teams will be falling all over themselves to make picks in the rule five draft, so I bet that any pitcher we expose will be selected. Justin Slaten has been excellent with Boston, so gems can certainly be found there.
  12. Beg to differ. Bradish influences every fifth game; Bautista influences almost every game, because he either will pitch, or could pitch, unless the game isn’t close, which would happen enough to give him the necessary time off.
  13. I was going to post something like this. I strongly disagree with the concept of “closer” but we need some reliable guys who can come in the throw a clean inning. I don’t care who throws the ninth, or the eighth or the seventh, and I don’t think it should be anyone in particular. I just want him to hit the mound, throw a few uneventful pitches, and then leave the mound with nothing changed except increased anguish in the opposing dugout. And we need a starter, a good one. I wonder if Mike is looking in Korea or Japan or Mexico for someone far from the madding crowd to come be Suarez 2.0 for a while.
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