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Legend_Of_Joey last won the day on October 15 2021

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About Legend_Of_Joey

  • Birthday 06/05/1985

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  • Favorite Current Oriole
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  1. Former Orioles farmhand Adam Hall, who was in independent baseball, just had his contract purchased by the Brewers and will head to one of their minor league clubs.
  2. Wynns hit a walk off home run for the Cincinnati Reds AAA team.
  3. A bit of a forgotten pitcher in Bowie this season, we weren't even sure where he would start the year. The last few seasons, he worked as a starter or piggybacked with starters, making it up to AAA last season for 1 game, which didn't go the way he hoped to end the season. This year, the 26 year old, 858th overall pick in the 2019 draft has worked out of the bullpen. This season, he has appeared in 10 games, totaling 13.2 innings and getting 20 strike outs. He has a 3.95 ERA thanks to a disaster game on May 5th, where he allowed 5 runs. He also allowed a run on April 10th in his second appearance of the season. Aside from those two games, he hasn't allowed a run in the other 8 games. The big thing that impacted him the last few seasons were walks, which is still has some trouble with. 6 total so far, which would be fine if he started 10 games. But 6 walks in 10 games isn't ideal and is a big reason for his 1.24 WHIP. If he can lower the walks while keeping the strike outs and the runs sparse, I would like to see him get to Norfolk in June and see how he handles the bullpen there. With the glut of position players and seemingly lack of minor league pitching help for the bullpen, I want to see some aggressiveness on moving some older bullpen players seeing if they can sink or swim.
  4. No, he's in their Rookie League right now.
  5. Sanchez has always sold out to the fastball and has the ability to crush it. He was late, then sat fastball and sped the bat up. It was an 0-1 count and he was late on a fastball. Pretty good guess that he would get another fastball.
  6. Houston Roth had an interesting night in Bowie. Came in to clean up a mess with the bases loaded and allowed a grand slam, then struck out all 5 hitters he faced after that.
  7. @Frobby, that list tells me that being in Norfolk is the last stop of a catchers career 90% of the time...
  8. Skip: Brnovich, do you know how much Tommy John costs? We need to get the most out of that ligament!
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