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Everything posted by Tony-OH

  1. Mounctastle's arm will always limited his overall effectiveness at 1B. The hands and scooping are fine, but he has a below average arm in both strength and accuracy even for a first baseman.
  2. More of a joke about Bridwell's mom.
  3. That was nice. Was his Mom on Twitter asking why he was pulled in the 6th? @Frobby better watch out before Mrs. Rodriguez becomes the new Mrs Bridwell.
  4. When looked at holistically, you can't be too upset with going 3-3 (Yes, we all knw we should be 4-2) on the road road trip of the season against two pretty decent teams. Can't really draw too many conclusions after six games, but the one thing that I was worried about coming into the season and has not been good was the bullpen. Outside of Bautista and maybe Perez, not sure there's another guy out there that you feel good about on the mound. More like if they make it through an inning unscathed I'm happy. Baker had a nice inning today finally but it was low leverage. Raise your hand if you want any right-hander not named Bautista in the bullpen pitching in high leverage late in games. Offensively the Orioles were inconsistent, hitting poorly in two of three games against Texas but well in all three games in Boston where EVERYONE hit well. Only Adam Frazier seemed pretty consistent a the plate when he played. After going 6-for-6 to start off the year, Rutschman has gone cold going 2-for his last-21. Gunnar finally got his only two hits of the season in the 2nd game of the series against the Rangers, but overall has struck out 8 times in 21 PAs and has only been saved by his 6 walks drawn. Santander and Vavra haven't hit much so far, but that hasn't meant any more playing time for Kyle Stowers, who has as many starts this year as Anthony Bemboom. As I said in the other thread, they should send him down to play everyday bring up a guy like Josh Lester or O Hearn to be the 26th man on this team. Stowers gains no value and brings no value being your 26th man/5th outfielder. The rotation was bad in Boston but really good in Texas (I'll count Wells as a "starter" after coming in after the Bradish injury). Grayson had a tough 1st inning of his major league career but settled down to up allowing just those two runs over five innings. Now back home for the home opener Friday against the Yankees. The bullpen should be fresh and the weather looks good overall so hopefully they can put some good games together. I expect Kremer to be better than he was in Boston, though the Yankees have a pretty good damn lineup and have traditionally played well in Camden Yards. If the Orioles can find a way to pull off 2 of 3 against the Yankees this weekend, they'll officially be off to a good start for the season.
  5. He's fine with all the tools, but he's made some errors here and here and not being focused on position can't help him consistency.
  6. Just not a lot of options that make you feel good out in that pen outside of Bautista and Perez.
  7. Grayson at 83 pitches and can't be the loser. Makes sense to bring in Voth here.
  8. He might be good for only 15 starts a year, but they're usually good ones ! lol
  9. Haha, you and me both. Maybe we should go back into the meetings. lol
  10. Well damn, I had to go into a meeting and it looks like Grayson settled down. Nice.
  11. I'm a bit surprised they didn't go with Voth, but it was his day to pitch. i thought maybe he had a great side session between starts and that convinced him, but that's the guy we saw all spring.
  12. inauspicious debut for sure. I mean, we probably should not have been too surprised. this is the way he's looked all spring and that's not going to work against big league hitters. I was just hoping to see a different guy. this is the guy that pitched himself off the team. Poor command, and when he gets hit, it's loud contact.
  13. Uggh, why can't we have nice things. Not getting a lot of swing and miss.
  14. I really would like to know why they are going so slider heavy when he hasn't had any control of his slider this spring.
  15. One pitch from getting out of the running and he grooves one.
  16. Regardless of his poor spring so far, you have to remember this is his major league debut. Heart is probably going real fast and some pitchers have said they couldn't feel their legs in their debut. Maybe getting that first out will calm him down. he has an ERA now.
  17. I truly think the only thing Hyde has to do with the lineup is to let them know if someone is banged up or needs a day off. I think other than that it comes designed including who should pitch to who in what inning late in games. Managers nowadays are more about keeping a clubhouse good and making a few managerial decisions during a game. With as many coaches as they have including strategy coaches, I feel like everything is basically given to him.
  18. Let's hope. there is nothing worse than going down there in the rain, hanging out so the Orioles get some concessions, then get a postponement. With opening day and he thought that they could get "two opening day crowds" it would not surprise me if they milk tomorrow as long as possible then postpone it. More money in the Angelos family coffer.
  19. Well the key here is we now know how they used Stowers last year was not an aberration. they truly look at him a 5th OF/DH 26th man type. I'm just going to say that I disagree. Really poor job by Elias to not move Stowers this offseason if this is how they view him. I can guarantee there are other organizations that would be happy to have him starting. Clearly I disagree with their analysis of him as a player but judging by how they evaluate him, not sure why you keep him on the team since he doesn't bring enough versatility to be a 26th man. Poor Kyle. I still believe in you Kyle, no matter what Sig's computer lineup says.
  20. Cold start with too many K's, but it's very early to have any kind of concerns. Let's give him a few weeks.
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