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Tx Oriole

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Posts posted by Tx Oriole

  1. On 11/17/2017 at 6:49 AM, birdwatcher55 said:

    Gentlemen, and in some cases I use the word loosely, I set the bar high for this organization and to see a signing  like this to start the offseason as not only disappointing but pathetic. Scrap heap pitchers for minor league depth are a dime a dozen. From this vantage point, it looks like this is going to be another dumpster fire offseason when instead we need an aggressive agenda to get this franchise on the right track for the long term. So if you think a bunch of Roarke signings do it for you, then God Bless. Enjoy another year at the bottom. Personally, I look forward to the day Duquette hits the bricks.

    Yes I too will be glad when DD is gone. But I don't mind DD signing organizational depth. Every team does it.

  2. 15 minutes ago, cliff said:

    Tommy Milone is available again as he elected free agency yesterday:

    His numbers over the last two years have been very Orioles-esque, and he was shut down at the end of the year due to a bone spur his elbow; but we need to throw as much against the wall as possible to see if anything sticks for the rotation. 
    He's left handed; he'll be 31 at the beginning of the 2018 season; and he had some solid, if unspectacular seasons from 2011/12 to 2015. 

    Will he get any major league contract offers? Or will the general consensus be that he's cooked?

    Oh I hope DD doesn't sign this man. He is past cooked.  DD has thrown enough mud against the wall. It's past time that he brings in good pitchers. I know I know he won't or can't do that. As long as he keeps bringing in 3rd tier pitchers this team won't improve. As much as I like Ubaldo I don't won't DD, Angelos and Buck bringing in pitchers like him. Thirty years ago this team had such good pitching. I don't know what happened. But they need to get back to drafting and producing good pitchers. 


  3. 4 hours ago, tntoriole said:

    Thank God...now I don't have to root for the Yankees in the World Series....that is worse than eating liver.  

    I don't know. Liver is pretty disgusting. Even if it's smothered in onion gravy on a bed of rice. 

  4. 1 hour ago, Pat Kelly said:

    FWIW I agree with virtually every other decision Buck has made.    Getting the most out a bad rotation, managing around Bundy innings,  Tillman's issues, pairing with catchers or not,  coping with injuries and an overtaxed BP.    He is willing to pull pitchers earlier with a deeper staff and the last few losses are more about offense than pitching.   He has adjusted the lineup moving Jones and Machado around,  Beckham, Schoop and Mancini up,  Trumbo and Davis down,  rotated the catchers well playing the hot hand.  Davis still brings value at 1B even when he is barely hitting.  Playing Smith only against RHP using Gentry and Rickard as late inning defensive replacements,  coaxing Mancini into a decent LF who seems to keep improving.  Team has come back and won many "lost" games and has a dominant win% in extra innings.  

    But I do not understand what he is up to with Hays,  playing Trumbo last night,  starting Rickard over Hays,  not rotating Pedro in there against RHP, not giving Trumbo a break etc.  when he is not hitting.   I would even understand if he started JJ to give Beckham a rest - he could always PH late.    He is either worried about or lacks confidence in Hays and that seems to indicate there is some disconnect with the front office decision to call him up. 

    Is he getting back at the FO at the expience of Hays by keeping him on the bench? 

  5. 2 hours ago, eddie83 said:

    Rickard starting instead of Hays.  

    Does Buck want Dan to quit? 

    If you are giving a regular a day off how can it be Joey over Hays? 

    I'm sure it is a good experience for Austin to be around a big league team and not have to worry about that next year. That said why exactly was he called up? 

    That's a very good question. 

  6. 23 minutes ago, Can_of_corn said:

    I'm actually really pleased with how he has done this season. 

    If Trumbo were to be traded that would move Mancini to first.  I think Stewart might be the best in house option for left.

    First? What you going to do with CD? DH him? 

  7. 17 hours ago, UpstateNYfan said:

    The thrower of that pitch to McCann should be suspended for the rest of the season, if not for life. It was that scary and intentional. If Gerardi (from the clubhouse) or a coach called for that pitch the same goes for them. I am not opposed to a brushback pitch thigh high or so at 85 or so..but to throw that hard and high is just wrong.

    I agree with you. A brushback pitch is fine but not aimed at the head. And if a coach did call for it then suspend him for the rest of the season with a stiff fine. But I don't expect MLB to do anything. They haven't got the balls to do that. 

  8. 17 hours ago, OFFNY said:





     I don't know if the pitcher hit him on purpose or not.  Someone is going to killed one of these days. If he hadn't hit the helmet and hit him in the face it might have killed him. Go back to 1920 Carl Mays of the Yankees hit a player for the Indians in the head. He died. I sure as hell wouldn't face MLB pitcher. 

  9. 2 hours ago, Lucky_13 said:

    Really hope they can dump Trumbo in the offseason. At least then DH and 1B are open for Davis and Mancini to share. With Rickard, Hays, Mullins, Santander, and maybe Yaz they could have a really strong defensive outfield in a year or two. 

    I'd rather watch a team of young guys then aging vets. 

    I think we all would. 

  10. 7 minutes ago, Roy Firestone said:

    I have a feeling Santander is going to be the real deal. Look at his forearms. Look at his athleticism.Yep, he struck out twice last night, but he got the hit that started everything off, and made a dazzling diving play in the field. I think we might have something. And we get Austin Hays too next year. This outfield will be fine. The question is where do you play Mancini?

    Too bad it can't be at 1st. Thats the problem with having CD on the team. Someone mentioned that's it's too bad the FO is not more forward thinking in another thread. That's true. 

  11. 11 minutes ago, clapdiddy said:

    I'm curious as to how he looks defensively.  I honestly can't see how he'd be any worse than Rickard offensively.

    I'd like to see how he does when he comes up. 

  12. 39 minutes ago, Cumberbundy said:

    Here's a look at Santander for those who don't frequent the minor league board, which you should. He's an imposing human.


    What team did the O's get him from? 

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