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Tx Oriole

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Posts posted by Tx Oriole

  1. I have no evidence that anyone on the Red Sox is using PED's.


    That should be the end of the story, but it isn't, and its because players are getting busted with some regularity in MLB and the testing system remains very flawed and beatable.

    I spoke last night to a person who was involved in the BALCO case and is a physician and he said the testing is much better than it has ever been, but it is still very much behind the chemistry of PED's.

    There are numerous examples of PED's that can be ingested and show no trace in the body only hours after taking...and still give the human body a boost in performance and reaction time and explosiveness.

    Gummies and wafers that can be taken in the early morning will not show up on any test.

    I just know this.

    David Ortiz is 40 years old. His bat speed is quicker, and his power is at least what it was in his heydey and maybe better than that.He is on pace for his best season in a decade.

    Mookie Betts had 18 HR's last year with nearly 600 at bats. He has 14 in the first two months of this season. The fact that he has had 5 HR's in 2 games is a bit eye opening.

    One can argue that Ted Williams hit .316 with 29 HR's t the age of 41.

    But THATS Ted Williams.

    I know one Boston writer who has a long history with Ortiz and he still wonders how he is doing what he is doing at 40.

    I am not accusing anyone of doing anything. But it makes me wonder.

    Im not a conspiracy person and dont look at everything as murky or sordid. But weve seen it and heard it before.

    A reminder that MOST of the top hitters who were suspended in the past did NOT test positive but were exposed because someone else blew the whistle.

    Nothing would surprise me anymore including players using and never being caught.

    Again, Im not accusing, only wondering.

    Why wonder about this now?

  2. What childless personal attacks? You are correct I am child less but what has that got to do with anything? You say if I understand you, it is difficult to know what you are taking under the circumstances of travel, etc. Then why hold players from a different culture, with a less sophisticated understanding of the English, to a standard you would find difficult to adhere to?

    That's a good question.

  3. I think the problem is not evaluation by players and managers. That's like tabulating votes on a hotline to answer the question "Is life fair?"

    This screams out for electronic evaluation, even if an electronic strike zone is not employed. That will give feedback to the pitches missed that, when paired with video, will help umpires reduce the number of calls they miss.

    An electronic strike zone is inevitable in time, but I expect there will always be a home plate umpire as backup to make a call if the system fails. It's an attractive option to speed up play, because there will no longer be any target for argument. And I don't think any sport in which replay is now used is suffering any significant backlash from the process, so we have electronically assisted officiating in just about every sport.

    That's when I stop watching the game. Electronic this electronic that. Taking the

    human out of the game. It would not be fun for me anymore. IMO

  4. The last time that neither team made the post-season was 1993 ...... 20 years ago. The perception of these 2 teams' dominance/ownership of the division didn't end when the Yankees missed the postseason in 2008 and/or when the Red Sox missed the postseason in 2009, and it probably won't end until both teams finish out of the running in the same season and/or at least one of them finishes with a losing record for several consecutive seasons. 2013 could be the year that both of them fail to make it (the postseason.)


    We can only hope so

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