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Everything posted by BRobinsonfan

  1. Ah, violent agreement... the best kind of agreement! Still, it's nice to know we're potentially only two players away from having a team built for serious contention.
  2. Nice article. It's good to see that the rule changes have speeded up the game without tipping the scale too much on production. I like seeing more steals, but I'd like to tweak the rule to increase the allowable "disengagements" by at least one.
  3. It's still amazing to look at his stat line and see one walk in 29 innings. If Hyde doesn't wear him out first, this can be a pretty fantastic season for Cano.
  4. Good point. And it just underscores how short-sighted it was not to go out and get another proven starter in the off-season. It's frustrating to imagine where we might be had they done that. Throw in a MOO bat and I think we'd be in great shape.
  5. Oh, I'm not disagreeing at all. 20 wins is just one of those stats from a bygone era that has an appeal driven more by emotion than analytics.
  6. I know analytically you're right, but a 20-win season is a vestigial hold over from my baseball card collecting youth, when the O's always seemed to have 20-game winners, that would trigger a big dose of nostalgia and serotonin - especially if achieved by a pitcher like Kyle Gibson who gets outs the old fashioned way.
  7. I knew Cano's spectacular early-season performance was unsustainable, but he's looking very hittable as of late. Over his last eight innings, he's allowed 12 hits. With someone with a longer track record of success, I might chalk it up to a minor slump, but it wasn't that long ago when he was giving up hits by the bucket full and sported a gaudy double digit ERA. His control seems as good as ever, and while KO's are down a little, he's still averaging close to 1 per inning over his last 7 games so those are encouraging signs.
  8. I've gone back and forth on these uniforms... now that I see everyone wearing them I'm firmly in the "no" camp.
  9. I keep forgetting that he's still only 21 years old. It's encouraging to see the hits start to fall and the power start to show itself, but with 26 walks, the second most on the team, he's shown from the beginning of the season that he has a good sense of the strike zone.
  10. I'd be surprised if Nike reverse-engineered a narrative around an already-finished design. I've sat in these meetings (not for Nike), and the truly frightening thing is the level of detail that goes into it. The research department gets up and presents 50 slides about "Baltimore's Uniqueness," then the quantitative research will be presented, then the focus group research will be presented... a month later the design department will have their turn, then two weeks after that the Brand department will present their findings about how 2/3rds of what Design presented doesn't comport with company font standards, etc., etc., etc. Then, Design will return to the drawing board and present new concepts, followed up by Legal making a presentation shooting down about half of those because of copyright considerations... it's a spectacle to behold and not for the faint of heart. The end result then looks like something that was reverse-engineered when in fact, it was probably over-engineered.
  11. You know what would have been cool? Shiny black velour uniforms!
  12. You know, when the jersey pictures were leaked, I didn't like them. Then when it was released yesterday, I thought "I kinda like that." But now today, I'm back to "I don't like this." The more I look at them, the less I like them. Having lived in Baltimore years ago, I actually love the concept behind the uniforms... "we're more than what we seem," diverse neighborhoods, etc. I just don't think they executed the concept particularly well. Having been a part of marketing/branding efforts for a few Fortune 100/500 companies, I can tell you that sometimes the problem is too many cooks in the kitchen. I have NO IDEA if that's what happened here, but it has that feel. Rather than handing it off to a small design team, everyone wants to "put their mark on the process" so they can say they contributed and to justify their budgets. In the end, this looks like it was either the result of a 1st generation AI artistic design program or a massive corporate collective effort where everybody and their sister had "input."
  13. Yeah... not a fan of the white belt at all. And while the Jersey looks a lot better being worn than I thought it would, I think orange pants would have made the whole look "pop" a lot more.
  14. Do you have actual evidence for this, or is it just your opinion influenced by your dislike of the design?
  15. If you think we have adequate starting pitching then we are at fundamentally different places. I think yours is a minority opinion.
  16. Old#5Fan would be proud of you for applying "the eye test." I just wonder where he would come down on this debate. I mean Adam Frazier and Joey Ortiz are both solid baseball names.
  17. This is basically where I'm at. At 31, Frazier's best days are probably behind him. But he is most definitely an upgrade over Odor, and that's his value. It's just a value we didn't need to pay for to acquire. On the O's hierarchy of needs, we should have put the money toward a decent starting pitcher.
  18. I would have loved Charm City on the front as well... here's the explanation of the "Baltimore Across the Chest" from the web page: Baltimore stretches fearlessly across the front of the jersey. We're not hiding behind a catchy nickname, and we don't shy away. We are Baltimore. The bold typeface is inspired by the Globe Collection and Press at Maryland Institute College of Art (MICA) and our homegrown arts scene. The speckled details and imperfections represent the shared grit the Orioles and the Baltimore community possess." Until I read this, I didn't even realize there were imperfections and "speckled details" in the script. https://www.mlb.com/orioles/fans/city-connect?fbclid=IwAR0xNcCk9QBnbiSceW1owZCBTqpz4o8YPm-a2q6ZkX7xTeXPbLxk-zl6-V8
  19. The Black & White is part of the theme... this is from the Orioles City Connect web page: "From the outside, it looks all black and white. But there's always more to our story. In art, black doesn't exist without color. You can't see what you're not looking for. Threaded from the artistic tapestry of our City, the palette is like our people: colorful, vibrant and quirky."
  20. I don't like the design either but It's really going to be hard to make sure no one buys a single one.
  21. I think Tony said it best. He's a prototypical 4th outfielder. He has a .3 WAR over the last 3 seasons. For a 4th Outfielder he does a lot of things pretty well. That's why Hyde puts him in as a defensive replacement so often. He's managed to get in around 100 games a season (and he'll likely do it this season) by playing this role. If he were a better outfielder he'd probably be starting somewhere, or at least a platoon. He's fine for what he is... a 4th outfielder. He'll be gone as soon as they feel they have a better option... but until then... he has value to this team.
  22. The wheels are coming off Cano. He needs to be sent down until he can go 20 innings without giving up a run.
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