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Everything posted by Jagwar

  1. "So you're saying there's a chance"
  2. I want Vavra getting as many ABs as possible. I don't care who has to sit.
  3. I don't think we fully appreciate what Adley will become for this team. My Brother lives in SF, and he said Posey was the reason SF had success for so many years.
  4. McDonald "That's what he was in 6th grade"
  5. He's a beast. If he gets more confidence in the splitter he is elite
  6. If you ask my girlfriend, I'm all about low bars
  7. To be fair, I'm not sure I qualify as an "actual human"
  8. Garceau "I think he probably said, he probaby swung"
  9. "If you ask me you boys have had enough already"
  10. AWESOME (the 4 year old not the farts)_
  11. This brings back images of the Blazing Saddles campfire scene
  12. Is it restricted to non-humans only? Because I'm sure I've exceeded 6 seconds on my own
  13. I must say this... It's so awesome to see a full and fun game thread crowd
  14. He could claim that if he was actually a feared hitter
  15. Only unlike Fred, I'm wearing pants. Can't be too careful on those Zoom calls.
  16. George Carlin said it's like watching flies F***
  17. Don't consider those. Go with Trazodone 10 times out of 10
  18. The good thing is Perez didn't cost anything to acquire
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