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Everything posted by Jagwar

  1. If you could have any walk up song, what would you choose? I'd go with Limelight by Rush.
  2. Mullins looks lost
  3. Kjerstad with a big boy bomb
  4. I'm seeing him around 93-94
  5. I wonder if Elias thinks Bradish and Means are going to be healthy and effective, pushing Wells and Irvin to the pen.
  6. Povich looks good tonight. But I swear he's like a toothpick with a glove.
  7. I said "in his prime". Wilt did most of his damage from 1959 to 1966. Averaging PPG of 37.6, 38.4, 50.4, 44.8, 36.9, 34.7 and 33.5. RPG of 27.0, 27.2, 25.7, 24.3, 22.9 and 24.6. Lanier wasn't in the league then. Willis Reed and Nate Thurmond never came close to those numbers.
  8. Your kids aren't completely wrong though are they? Who other than Bill Russell really challenged Wilt in his prime?
  9. Agreed. Though he's throwing fewer two seamers yes?
  10. Maybe they'll halt the game and not restart until Irvin is no longer on the roster.
  11. And that is why Ryan O'Hearn should not be in the outfield unless all the other OFers have their arms fall off.
  12. I'm guessing it's because game temperature is like 10 below zero
  13. I can't see Kemp lasting more than 2 weeks
  14. Cowser seems to be navigating LF just fine.
  15. Can we have both? The tense games keep the bullpen sharp, the laughers let them rest and recover.
  16. It's grounder in the hole at SS with the go ahead RBI on the line. Every hitter is busting it down the line yes?
  17. Ummm.... that's why I said sometimes you can't read the pitcher
  18. Not sure hustle had anything to do with a short hop throw that the 1B couldn't dig
  19. Sometimes you just can't read the pitcher. It happens. But it isn't Hays' or Hyde's fault
  20. This home plate ump has been very inconsistent tonight. For both teams
  21. A stop sign for a pull hitter like Hays?
  22. Roy is starting his chicken little posts early this season.
  23. Or it might have been two players. It's not as if teams were overwhelming the O's with offers for Ortiz.
  24. Understood. But if Ortiz got us Burnes, pretty sure something else could have gotten us Burnes
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