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Everything posted by mdbdotcom

  1. Davis had a very good night, 2 for 4 plus a sac fly. The fact that he was hitting fastballs in the upper 90s makes me wonder if he can improve, after all. I don't think he'll ever again be the dominant power hitter he was a few years ago, but maybe he can put up an .800 OPS for a couple of years. That would make it worth playing him, even though he'll never be worth the contract.
  2. Corner player off the bench until he becomes too expensive.
  3. Steve Pearce rocks the Yankees! 4 home runs in two days.
  4. He's like BRob, but with a bad back.
  5. If he can hold down 2B for a few years, that would be one less thing to worry about.
  6. MLB should institute a new rule, similar to the intentional walk rule, that allows Davis to step into the batter's box, hold up three fingers, and return to the dugout. Cut out the waiting and reduce time of play.
  7. He just needs 8 days off after 2 days in the lineup.
  8. Glad he's finally taking my advice. Wonder how soon before I get my check.
  9. Would be great if he bats right-handed.
  10. Chris is not participating in that one-dimensional lineup. His contributions to the team this year have been non-dimensional.
  11. That Chris Davis, always good for a laugh.
  12. No, you really didn't fix that. If he throws strikes he can dominate (verb). If he throws strikes he can be dominant (adjective).
  13. Would it help him to put down the tree trunk and start using one of Jack Clark's old bats? That guy generated a ton of power swinging a toothpick.
  14. Maybe he'd be more open to it if they benched him and played Mancini at 1B. Right now he couldn't beat out Trumbo or Alvarez for the DH job.
  15. I don't doubt it and I wasn't accusing you of anything. I loved Eddie, too.
  16. I quoted you talking about Eddie. You said he had a reputation as a bad guy. There were two reasons for that reputation: He didn't like to talk to the press (which they took out on him) His skin color Players and people who knew him personally didn't see him as a bad guy at all.
  17. Eddie wasn't bad when he was run out of town. All I'm saying is that you shouldn't compare Davis and Eddie. One is a bad white player who won't be run out of town, the other was a good black player who was run out of town. So, they shouldn't be compared unless you want race brought into the discussion.
  18. Someone compared Davis and Eddie. I was bringing up one of the differences. Ubaldo has nothing to do with it.
  19. Davis is white. If you never sat along the first-base line in Memorial Stadium you have no idea what Eddie had to put up with. Plenty of racist O's fans gave Frank a hard time, too, when he became manager (one couple I know refused to use their season tickets the entire time Frank was the manager). Racist behavior wasn't exclusive to Baltimore, I'm sure. But you just can't compare how Davis and Eddie are treated by fans without bringing up the obvious factor of skin color.
  20. I'm happy about this pickup. As we've all seen, middle infield depth was a weakness coming into the season.
  21. Braves have announced that Jose Bautista will become their starting third-baseman once he gets himself into playing shape in the minors.
  22. I would settle for new socks, but I have very low standards.
  23. All the best to Flash. When Manny leaves the O's might even overpay Flaherty to come back and play 3B, with Beckham moving to SS.
  24. Buck should have him in the lineup against all pitchers that throw a 79 mph hanging curveball. Had no trouble catching up to that one.
  25. Team goal for April is to score a run off a starting pitcher. Almost happened last night. Could be any day soon. Excitement building.
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