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Posts posted by AnythingO's

  1. 16 minutes ago, weams said:

    It will still count against payroll. 

    Correct, but if they could get an agreement with him to put the next $51 M (3*17) into the pot of deferred money and stretch out the payment schedule, the annual pain wouldn't be so great. Yeah I know, pipe dream.

  2. I read what you say about why you asked the question but I only see 1 way we have to make this choice and that is if CD is still here in 2020. If so I'll be joining CoC on the dark side of mgmt meddling, ME has hands tied. That said, to me to question is about projection. Will MC find a defensive position, will he overcome his K vs W issues that Buck publically called him on, is his bat that special? I don't see any evidence of that now. Is Trey the guy from 17 and this YTD or the 18 version? I feel more confident in Trey's bat right now than MCs. I believe Trey would be a MLB average 1B right now but jury is out on MC. I keep Trey and.trade.MC for that SS straight up and we.are.a better team now and future. 

  3. 2 hours ago, Can_of_corn said:

    That's nonsense.  No one needs to see more of Davis.  The sample size is plenty big enough at this point. 

    As for Mancini, he's a poor outfielder and the team is better served with him playing elsewhere.

    I agree, my point wasn't about Davis, it was about evaluating how to deploy the current assets other than Davis going forward. I think Eloas gives Davis more time to  continue to utterly fail, making the decision easy for the sons to.concur. Elias doesn't have to spend any political capital that way. 

  4. 13 minutes ago, Can_of_corn said:

    To me the only reason that makes sense for Davis staying on the team is that ownership won't let him be released.

    I agree with you but with the caveat of "yet". Elias is in.full evaluation mode of everyone on the 25 and 40. Whether Trey can be adequate as a COF is part of that IMO. He seemed to improve in 2017 but regressed in 2018. Elias needs a better read on Nunez, Mountcastle, and Sisco before deciding on 1B and DH. The coaches trying to "fix" Davis saves face in the near term and buys time. I don't expect Davis here in 2020 unless a miracle occurs. Then we wiii know.

  5. 11 minutes ago, Frobby said:

    Short answer is, they tried.   They only had so much leverage.   

    So in a nutshell, this decision says about 60 M per year in rights to Nats so we owe them an extra 100 M for the 5 years. Then masn was paying 40 M in rights already. And the Nats share of profits would be reduced about 30 M  or about 6 M per year. So if the Nats share is about 20% of profit now that would mean Orioles MLP share of profits drops 24 M but rights increase 20 M. If that's right it doesn't sound too catastrophic.

  6. Why did they ditch the change if it is his most effective pitch? Wouldn't that mixed with the cutter give the hitters a different look and more separation from the FB speed?

    Why can't he maintain a FB in the 95-97 range in 1-2 inning stints? He is maddening and I can only assume that he shows more in workouts but just doesn't in the game.

  7. 1 hour ago, Frobby said:

    That Travis Snider for Brault and Tarpley trade is looking pretty bad.

    My memory may be faulty on this.

    Didn't DD have the Snider trade for Matusz worked out just before the Winter Meeting when the Toronto news broke?

  8. 9 minutes ago, Redskins Rick said:

    Didnt they say Davis was first in the batting cage daily and taking extra hitting BP?

    I have no doubt that Davis is working hard in the batting cage. The problem is he probably is practicing that same swing that hasn't worked for 2  years.

    He says a rebuild of his swing has never worked but that isn't true. When he came over from Texas he was failing again. He worked with our hitting coach in 2011 and 2012 to rebuild the swing working off a tee to stay closed and go the opposite way. In those days he was still a gym rat and incredibly strong. That led to his breakout in 2013. The coach left in 2014 for personal reasons. 

  9. 1 minute ago, Can_of_corn said:

    In real value he won't be being paid in full.  Your suggestion might be lower than mine.

    They could calculate the time value of money for the $17 M over the next 4 years and the deferred $30 M over its payout schedule and then create a payout schedule to equal that amount. Davis might get more money at face value but ME might have $10-12 M more to play with in the near term for the next 4 years.

  10. 10 hours ago, ThomasTomasz said:

    There will never be a settlement.  MLB is the only major US sport that has fully guaranteed contracts.  The NFLPA is desperately working towards that.  If the Orioles and Davis agreed to any sort of contract reduction, the MLBPA's lawyers will be immediately all over it.  And then that would create even more pressure between MLB and the Orioles for going rogue in a sense, something that the son's will not risk at this point with ownership potentially being up in the air.  

    When I suggest settlement, I expect Davis to be paid in full. Pay the $110 MM over an extended time frame, along the lines of the current deferred money plan. $5 MM a year for 22 years is far better than $17 MM for the next 4 years followed by years of smaller payments of the deferred money.

  11. 1 hour ago, weams said:

    Yes. Davis and his roster spot mean nothing until 2021. There.  All the rest of it is just Larry Bird. 

    While I believe Frobby is right, that ME will at lest try to fix Davis, If the only reason to keep him on the team is his contract then you are sending a message to Mancini, Stewart, Montcastle that their future in MLB is secondary to his bad contract. I'm not saying Davis is a cancer or bad teammate but he has to produce or be gone. The money is lost, negotiate some settlement, free up that roster spot. By mid-year I want Mancini and Montcastle at !B and DH.

  12. 3 minutes ago, Can_of_corn said:

    He's already forcing Mancini into the outfield and what happens if they want to promote Mountcastle at some point in 2019?

    You both are right but it was Buck that played Davis. Next year Davis should get ST and 1-2 months to prove he can contribute. If more of the same he is the 25th man and only sees the field due to emergency. The message needs to be you perform, you play. If not you sit, no matter what you get paid. He would be keeping another 25th man off the roster, not generally a solid player. Mancini at DH, Trumbo at 1B when he recovers, Montcastle learns 1B this year in the minors. Basically we play with a 3 man bench in a year destined to be bad and hope new mgmt gets him off the roster somehow.

  13. 22 hours ago, wildcard said:

    Who do they have in place and how long will  they be there after the President and GM are announced?

    Look at the history. Graham was hired in 2007 I believe, Brady has been around forever, as has Stockstill. PA hired Andy, Buck, and Dan. John A. has had some executive responsibilities for 15-20 years, so he presumably had some input with PA. PA listened to Andy, Buck, Dan, and presumably John and made his own choices. Graham, Brady, and Stockstill all got executive promotions in the 2012-2013 time frame. Andy and Buck are gone and then Dan after he was allowed to make the trades and talk about International commitment. Then the contingent going to Miami includes Graham, Stockstill, Brady, and John. IMO opinion these are John's guys and he will use them just as PA used Andy, Buck, and Dan. Wasn't John in charge of new Spring training facility negotiations with Ft. Lauderdale? That failed and then we focused on Sarasota and that was failing also until PA stepped in at the 11th hour. Just what are John's credentials that give us confidence that he will make better decisions than PA? I believe the handwriting is on the wall about who he will trust in his decision-making and they are less capable than who PA listened to. I hope I'm wrong and he hires a highly qualified President, gives him/her a clear vision with goals and a roadmap and then gets out of the way. I don't believe John has ever done anything to give me that impresion.

  14. 3 minutes ago, Can_of_corn said:

    But look at how much work he did with Coolbaugh in the offseason!

    What a joke that he could say that when Coolbaugh said they only talked twice. After the year he had in 2017, if that counts for extra offseason work in his mind then he is delusional.

  15. 22 minutes ago, weams said:

    If you never used him, you could easily get a judgement for all monies owed and damages if it could be shown that this was a bad faith measure. 

    I suppose Boras could try that but Trumbo is a better 1B now and Mancini is a better DH now. There is no reason to believe Davis will improve next year to justify playing time. There is no basis for Davis playing ahead of them except for Buck. Buck is the reason both Trumbo and Davis are on the team and that forces Mancini to learn OF at the MLB level. It's just wrong. Trumbo only has 1 more year. Tell Mountcastle to learn 1b. Mountcastle and Mancini are the future until someone better comes along. I'm too emotional about Davis to be rational so I'm going to bow out now. Sorry Weams.

  16. 1 minute ago, weams said:

    Again. Why would Davis do that? Just take it as it is written. 

    He would have a $5 M/yr annuity for 22 years, be free to go to any team that would have him, and potentially make more money. If not he is a bench here warmer suffering humiliation for 4 years. Those are pretty strong motivations to me. 

  17. I want Davis off the team any way it can be done. None of the options work for me so I'm Other, I guess. Weams says no buyouts but I'm not reducing what he is owed. Isn't it still a buyout if you add the $92 M to the deferred money and negotiate a longer payout period. Maybe a structured settlement? Adding both pots of money together is $110 M, pay $5 M/yr for 22 years, just get him the hell off the roster. If he refuses, park him on the bench, never to see the field, he is a Rule 5 player.

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