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The Rick

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Status Updates posted by The Rick

  1. <p><p><p>Thanks buddy. Appreciate it.</p></p></p>

  2. <p><p><p>Thanks for the rep, and thanks for caring enough to bring that up. If you're saying it, then I'm sure others are thinking it. So regardless of my intentions, it's good to be made aware of how this is perceived.</p></p></p>

    <p><p><p>Thanks again!</p></p></p>

  3. <p><p><p>Let me know if you ever make it out this way - I'm sure we can get a nice group together! Hope the O's play well for you guys next weekend. Have fun!</p></p></p>

  4. <p><p><p>Hey Sangar - could you please free some space up in your PM Inbox, I have a note for you. Thanks.</p></p></p>

  5. <p><p><p>Hey Scott - do me a favor and make space in your private message inbox. I have a note for you.</p></p></p>

  6. <p><p><p>Haha - it definitely was terrible, but I had to - it was too easy. And who doesn't love a Wire reference?</p></p></p>

  7. <p><p><p>Thanks for the rep scOtt! I'm so glad I don't ever have to post any more O-For stats about Albers - all thanks to Mr. Clutch HR, Wilson! Great game tonight.</p></p></p>

  8. <p><p><p>I'd be interested in your take on BABIP. It seemed like you don't put much stock in it anymore in the thread you made about the walks vs. BA's the other day. Have there been some articles you could throw my way that have changed your view on this? I remember you citing it quite a bit, but I've noticed that over the past year or so it seems you rarely ever use it. Just curious. I would just appreciate your help if you get the chance, I really want to get a better grip on SABR this season. I realize with all of that, you have to be careful not to read into to much on April 22nd, however.</p></p></p>

    <p><p><p>Anyway, thanks again for all you bring to the board - Happy 50k! <img src="<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/wink.png" alt=";)" srcset="<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/wink@2x.png 2x" width="20" height="20" /></p></p></p>

  9. <p><p><p>Thanks again for all the info. I plan on picking up BP sometime this week. Are you going to Opening Day?</p></p></p>

  10. <p><p><p>Sorry to re-create your thread on the Ravens/Chargers game, I just wanted to see a poll... hope you don't mind! <img src="<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/wink.png" alt=";)" srcset="<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/wink@2x.png 2x" width="20" height="20" /></p></p></p>


  11. <p><p><p>I can't rep you again since I just did, but keep these Angelos posts coming. This is a GREAT thread, and very informative, especially since the first game I ever watched was Cal's 2,131 game. Thanks again for doing this work, it's appreciated.</p></p></p>

  12. <p><p><p>Just saw your post in the LaCava thread... How do you link a specific tweet? I can't seem to figure that out for some reason. Thanks in advance.</p></p></p>

  13. <p><p><p>I'm a fairly large white dude with a goatee... I'll be at one of the tables inside wearing a Flacco jersey.</p></p></p>

  14. <p><p><p>Damn, over 2 years already - Time flies. Glad to hear that you're doing well - Will you be relocating back to the Mid-Atlantic area? I'm doing well, work is great, I have no complaints.</p></p></p>

  15. <p><p><p>Hey man - Don't hear from you too often these days - How did the wedding go? Are you officially a Doc now? Hope all is well.</p></p></p>

  16. <p><p><p>Thanks, I appreciate it!</p></p></p>

  17. <p><p><p>Your inbox is full.</p></p></p>

  18. <p><p><p>I can't believe I just now connected the dots that you're married to the weams. I've always loved your videos in the minors section. Wow, I'm an idiot!</p></p></p>

  19. <p><p><p>So what's so great about the Tequila Barrel in Playa Del Carmen? Will they have the Steelers/Ravens game on 9/11 do you think?</p></p></p>

  20. <p><p><p>Well congratulations on the job and the continuing education - best of luck to you. It's all the more depressing when quality posters are losing the passion, but I completely understand. There's only so much we can take.</p></p></p>

  21. <p><p><p>Just curious, but why are you trying to get away from posting? I've heard you mention that in a couple threads recently.</p></p></p>

  22. <p><p><p>Oh, nice... that's pretty sweet man! Come to think of it, I remember you asking in a game thread a few weeks back how to get the yard back into shape, and I believe I made a comment about using a bunch of "Kevin Greggs" to even the ground out, lol! Anyway, I'm glad you had a chance to make an awesome Photoshop pic tonight. That was classic man! Enjoy the pool, hope to see you back in the game threads soon!</p></p></p>

  23. <p><p><p>Thanks for the entertainment tonight man, pure comedy gold! Best thread ever. <img src="<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/smile.png" alt=":)" srcset="<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/smile@2x.png 2x" width="20" height="20" /></p></p></p>

  24. <p><p><p>I've missed you in the game threads, my man. You're above that now, eh? <img src="<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/wink.png" alt=";)" srcset="<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/wink@2x.png 2x" width="20" height="20" /></p></p></p>

  25. <p><p><p>Missed you and the updates in the game thread tonight. Hope all is well.</p></p></p>

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