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Moose Milligan

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Everything posted by Moose Milligan

  1. Who'd we call Captain Popup all those years ago? Was it Wieters? Time to bestow that crown on someone else, I think.
  2. That outfielder who caught that O'Hearn rip looked like he was playing pretty deep already, too.
  3. They still re-hashing that call from last night? I get that it was weird and controversial, but damn. Overall meaningless game.
  4. Sounds like he's talking into a fan trying to be Darth Vader or something, that was weird. If that was Apple trying to show some of their tech or something, it wasn't good.
  5. Making fun of the people who complain about in game interviews because they can't handle a half inning without play by play.
  6. eRhMaGeRd aN iN gAmE iNteRvIeW hOw WiL i sUrViVe i NeEd tEh PbP GuY t0 tElL mE WuT iM sEeInG
  7. https://www.espn.com/mlb/story/_/id/40211868/source-mlb-questions-ump-game-ending-call
  8. He is what he is. Had he been cromulent, he'd have been up to stay at some point instead of a shuttle guy.
  9. Vespi isn't a solution but I guess we gotta work with what we've got. Hope that it's not serious with Kremer.
  10. Man, the Mets one is terrible. Is that a female gender symbol on Hershiser? Compared to some of the City Connects I've seen, I don't mind the Rockies and Giants jerseys. The Mariners jersey is as bad as I remember it.
  11. Well those are hard to find, so like I said.
  12. You hate everyone, so that's not surprising.
  13. Correct, I think we're all semi-aware of that rule, too. But this is a bit different...IMO, the weird thing is that the ball is already essentially dead the moment it hit the bat, too. What's there to interfere?
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