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Moose Milligan

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Everything posted by Moose Milligan

  1. Ok. So three things: 1. Explain how this isn't a "real build." 2. Explain what you mean specifically by sacrificing prospect returns. 3. Explain how having a high payroll dedicated to players that aren't essential to the rebuild is beneficial.
  2. Ok, you're talking about trading for teams stud prospects by taking on bad contracts in return, correct?
  3. Doesn't look like anyone was willing to do that. I don't know how many teams ate salaries of undesirable players in order to get a stud prospect back this year. Of all the trades I've read about, I can't think of one where a Davis/Trumbo type went along with an A+ prospect. I think what you've outlined is more of a message board wet dream than what actually happens in reality.
  4. So if we're not trying to compete next year, a lower payroll shouldn't really matter. What, you want a team full of Davis and Trumbo types, bloated guys that we can't trade with high payrolls? A losing team with high payroll isn't good. Here, let's do this. You tell me how the Orioles would be better with O'Day's contract still on the books.
  5. Happy we got slot money here. Let's get VVM and some other pieces, too.
  6. Really? Shedding payroll is a horrible thing? It's not just NEXT year, it's for the following years, too. It's for when some of these guys come up and contribute we can extend them before they hit FA. So we avoid another Manny situation. Next year, really? C'mon.
  7. You need to educate me because at first glance I don't get it. I really don't get it.
  8. You guys act like shedding payroll is a bad thing. Especially on a broke down reliever.
  9. If Luis Ortiz is the centerpiece for the Schoop deal...I think I am gonna be pissed.
  10. How f'ing long does it take to get names from the Braves?
  11. No way a trade gets done in two mins. There's gotta be something like stoppage time in a soccer game on a trade deadline like this.
  12. So do the deals just have to be agreed upon by 4pm, with medicals that can be finished later today? Or do they ALL actually have to be done signed off on and completed?
  13. Ugh, on a day where I NEED to be productive...ugh, ugh, ugh....
  14. Givens, Gausman, Schoop, Bundy...oh please oh please oh please
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