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Everything posted by Malike

  1. The 1987 Orioles did it in 6 straight games but I'm too lazy to look them up. Probably going to be stuck at 5 with the way KC pitches and that ballpark.
  2. This was a pretty funny tweet from before the game today.
  3. We all have to eat crow from time to time. Be a good sport!
  4. Hey now, this thread is about how Hyde is killing this team. Go read the game thread, he lost us this game by taking Suarez out. THIS LOSS IS ON HYDE!!!!!
  5. Never fear, the Royals yield the least amount of runs in MLB and we all know good pitching beats good hitting. Enjoy lamenting all weekend!
  6. Please stop with the hyperbole. They got everything they could have out of Suarez. You don't get greedy. Dude has a 6 ERA starting at Norfolk and he was losing it.
  7. What an incredibly embarrassing play. 1st to home on a single.
  8. Gunnar seems to be doing okay. The only time he's leading off is the first AB of the game. With as productive as the bottom half has been at getting on base he's getting lots of opportunities with RISP.
  9. Yeah, I don't think anyone who has watched all of his games would say he's +3 OAA as of now.
  10. The whole comment stemmed from someone on the broadcast saying Beltre was an underrated 3B and Ripken then made his comment stating he wasn't and then all hell broke loose. It sort of feels like the people who despise Mussina for leaving for NYY after he gave the team 1 team friendly deal then wanted market value but Angelos wasn't paying 10M a year for a pitcher so he walked. I don't hate Mussina for that, he would have been a lifetime Oriole if they weren't cheap.
  11. Gotta play him every day except against the really good LHP. I'm not worried about his bat and he needs to learn to play defense. That clanger off his glove that would have been an easy DP cost the team a run but at least he's slowly starting to put something on his throws, they weren't rainbows tonight. Baby (bird) steps.
  12. Yeah which is why I said and he said that it's not really possible to compare players from different era's. We all know Brooks was one of the best fielding 3B of all time and it doesn't take any defensive stats to back that up, just like it doesn't take any defensive stats to back up that Jeter was awful.
  13. "I said on one of my early broadcasts, I said my hero was Brooks Robinson, but the way that Adrian Beltre plays -- and I'll get in trouble with Baltimore fans, again -- but it seems like Beltre might be the best third baseman to ever play. And it's just because of the type of plays that he was making. That doesn't take anything away from Brooksy, and in different eras, in different contexts, in different times you make different judgments, but to me, I don't see how he's underrated. He's a consistent performer, hits the home run, drives in the key run, but I think you touched on it -- the leadership part.
  14. I believe they use TZ, It's not perfect and no one should be claiming it is. But in broad strokes, we can be pretty confident that Ozzie Smith and Brooks Robinson were incredible fielders, that Greg Luzinski should have never been allowed to put on a glove, and that Dave Winfield was very overrated in the field. Edit: got the source from the interwebs but I can't link to it from my phone, I thought I could. Link
  15. I do think it's impossible to compare players from different era's, and Cal alluded to that after he made the comment. The information available to these guys now is just incredible. Not to mention diet, training, players being bigger and stronger, etc.
  16. I don't disagree. I mean by the standard of WAR he was worth more on both sides of the ball. Defensively, I believe Brooks was better but Beltre was a really good hitter and defender.
  17. Beltre absolutely deserves to be in the conversation. He's 3rd in WAR for 3B all time.
  18. Both Fangraphs and BBREF have Brooks solidly ahead of Beltre in dWAR. Beltre had a better bat and both were incredible 3B'man.
  19. Yeah no command, really hard hit balls. The line looked great but there was some luck involved. He turned it on later in the game, but just looked like he wasn't happy for some reason. We'll see what he says when they chat with him.
  20. He didn't look like he could find a rhythm today.
  21. Interested in hearing GRod talk. I don't think he's going to be happy.
  22. We'll be leading the league in walks after 1 start.
  23. Right in the McNards. Ouch.
  24. I think it will be an 11-8 final.
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