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Posts posted by Pickles

  1. 2 minutes ago, Frobby said:

    Have you watched the guys who have played 2B this year for us?

    I think you need to look at the cumulative affect of a bunch of moves, not any one move, which almost always cannot cost more than 2-3 wins as measured by WAR (which, in my opinion, doesn’t actually measure the effect on wins in any event).   

    That said, I’m in your camp that when you inherit a 47-win team, it’s hard to call anything you do tanking.  




    Fair enough.  Villar is an upgrade at 2nd base.  He's really the only one we miss.  He also reached FA before this season so it's doubtful we would have retained him.


  2. 2 hours ago, Frobby said:

    I went to Saturday’s game, and arrived to find they were having the induction ceremony for four new members of the Orioles’ Hall of Fame: Mo Gaba, Joe Angel, Mike Devereaux and JJ Hardy.  I arrived after the conclusion of Mo’s mother’s speech, but saw the rest.   

    Anyway, I thought it was great.   Joe Angel was extremely gracious and it was great to hear his voice.   He mentioned, among other things, that he was born in Colombia (which I knew) and didn’t speak a word of English until he was 9, which is pretty amazing.   

    Devo was next and they played a video montage of him that included, among other things, his “was it fair?” walk-off homer against the Angels in 1989, and his amazing catch at the wall in a 1-0 game against Toronto the year OPACY opened.   He mentioned that he played at OPACY from 1982-94 and again in 1996, and never once played a game there that wasn’t sold out.   He said getting inducted into the OHOF was the greatest thrill of his baseball career.

    Finally came JJ.   Joe Angel did his introduction (double bonus) and they showed a video montage of JJ  that, of course, ended with him scoring from first on Delmon Young’s bases loaded double in the 2014 ALDS.   Angel got the crowd to shout out “J - J - Hardy!!!” as he came up to make his speech.   He was low key and very gracious, and mentioned that he never heard a stadium so loud as when Delmon hit that double.  He definitely looked like he could go play SS right now.

    Anyway, it was a great event, far better than the game that followed, and I was there purely by accident.  It was really great to witness the ceremony.  And, though I didn’t see the part involving Mo Gaba, it’s really cool that he was remembered in that way.  


    Those are some great memories you mentioned.  You're lucky to have gotten to relive them, particularly by accident.

    Reminds me of a couple of years ago I went to a Rangers game where Josh Hamilton was being inducted into the Rangers' HOF.

    He got up to make his speech and was very dishevelled and confused looking.  His speech was written on what must have been a dozen pieces of full notebook paper, which he repeatedly fumbled with, and the top paper would get blown away by the wind, and someone would go chasing it across the field and Josh would just continue reading the next page, almost unintelligibly.

    The crowd seemed mostly puzzled, but knowing Hamilton's history it shouldn't have been too puzzling.  Very sad memory.


  3. 1 minute ago, 25 Nuggets said:

    You should see the moves the franchise has made off the field.  They've stripped everything down.

    In regards to MASN, I don't really care.

    Are you talking the baseball ops side?  Cause that I'm interested in discussing and hearing about.

  4. 2 minutes ago, Can_of_corn said:

    Those as well.  I just didn't feel like making a list.

    Same question to you then.

    None of those moves has really our wins and losses.

    Is it accurate to call them "tanking" or "burning things to the ground?"

    Shouldn't tanking and burning things to the ground involve, I don't know, getting worse?

  5. 1 minute ago, Frobby said:

    I don’t see the Bundy move as a tanking move.   They got a lot in exchange for him, and he unfortunately hadn’t been that good for us the last couple of years.

    To me the tanking moves are things like the Villar waiver trade, Nunez release and Alberto non-tender.   

    Which all a very, very, very minor reasons why we're winning 60 games right now.

    I mean, is it fair to call it tanking, when the decision has basically no impact on your wins or losses?

  6. 2 minutes ago, Ripken said:

    Last 7 Games:

    1 3 6.06 32.2 40 22 6 23 1.41


    I think some regression was to be expected.

    The velo was down a bit today.  McDonald speculated maybe to do with the heat.

  7. 8 minutes ago, Can_of_corn said:

    What does that have to do with what we were talking about?

    The jumping around you are doing is exhausting.

    Trading Bundy was a "burn things to the ground" move.  Doesn't make any difference how Bundy is pitching this season.  He wasn't even traded this season.

    I'm done, you can't win on any of these points so you keep jumping around.

    You say he burned things down.

    I say he traded a pitcher who stinks.  And even his best, was pretty mediocre.

    Hint: That's not burning things to the ground.  Trading away a #4-5 starter really apoclyptic.

    Jumping around?  That's hilarious from the guy who started spouting nonsensically about Jose Fernandez when the pandemic was brought up.

  8. 2 minutes ago, Can_of_corn said:

    Fine, 2.5 WAR over 115 innings.

    How is Hall's arm?

    Guys get hurt.

    Fine?!?  He missed most of the next two years with injuries.

    Of course I can't say that was directly related to his meteoric promotion, but common-sense dictates that stress- from pitching against higher levels of competition, and from not properly preparing for innnigs burdens- is a cause of arm injuries.

    This is so similar to the talk I was having with SG the other day.

    "Sure if you're talking about NOW, but if you let me get a time machine, go back a few years and change the past, then what do you think?"

    I think it is an absurd hypothetical.

    Grayson Rodriguez missed a lot of development last year due to the pandemic.  He'd never pitched above A-ball.  His career high in innings was 96.

    It would be irresponsible to rush him to the majors.

    When the upside to that is 62 wins instead of 60, it's downright criminal.  

  9. Just now, Can_of_corn said:

    Grayson is 21.

    Jose made the Marlins out of ST at 20.

    You take Grayson's age, subtract the year "lost" to the pandemic ( A year in which he did get specialized coaching and got to play against higher level opposition) and he is still behind the pace of someone with a similar draft pedigree. 

    Elias and Co are supposed to hang their hats on the type of environment Grayson was in last year.  Stuff like that is why we was part of the group trying to eliminate minor league teams.

    Yep, every pitcher who does not make it to the bigs at 20 is being slow-rolled, and their organizations are intentionally tanking.

    Good to know.

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  10. 1 minute ago, Can_of_corn said:


    Jose Fernandez didn't go straight to the big leagues.

    Are you suggesting he was 20 when he was drafted out of HS?  Are you accusing him of falsifying his age?

    WTH are you talking about?

    Here, let me get you a link.


    It was a typo.  I meant straight from A ball.

    WTF does that have to do with the fact that Grayson Rodriguez lost a year of development time due an unprecedented global pandemic?

    They're not connected in any way, shape, or form.  You might as well just start spouting non-sequiturs.  

  11. 4 minutes ago, Can_of_corn said:

    Jose Fernandez, the 14th overall pick in the 2011 drafted out of High School was in the majors at 20 and threw for 172.2 innings.

    That wasn't that long ago.

    So there goes your pandemic argument.

    BTW, how did leaping straight from A-ball to the Bigs work out for Jose Fernandez?

    • Confused 1
  12. Just now, Can_of_corn said:

    The point was that the rebuild Preller was overseeing wasn't the type of burn everything to the ground rebuild the O's are undergoing.

    The Padres never entered a season with the goal being picking as high as possible in the draft.

    Has Elias burnt everything to the ground?

  13. 1 minute ago, Can_of_corn said:

    Jose Fernandez, the 14th overall pick in the 2011 drafted out of High School was in the majors at 20 and threw for 172.2 innings.

    That wasn't that long ago.

    So there goes your pandemic argument.

    You're right.  Jose Fernandez went straight to the big leagues.  Which is of course proof that a pandemic did not indeed wipe out MiL baseball last year.

    That's a really good point.

    • Confused 1
  14. 4 minutes ago, Can_of_corn said:

    You say that no GM would promote him today.

    The reason no GM would promote him today is that Elias has specifically engineered a situation in which to not bring him up.

    Players like Rodriguez have certainly been developed in such a way that by the time they are 21 and in their fourth year of professional baseball they are pitching deeper than 80 pitches in AA.

    Ignoring of course that the 21 year old lost a year of their development due to an unprecedented global pandemic.

    And again, ignoring of course, that the goal of a franchise shouldn't be seeing how quickly they can devlop one particular prospect to the majors.

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  15. 3 minutes ago, Can_of_corn said:

    I don't think it is at all fair to compare the Padres rebuild with what the Orioles have done. 

    And I already said that yes, given the state Elias has the Orioles in, it doesn't make a lot of sense to bring up Rodriguez when he hasn't even been allowed to push himself this season.

    I think that it is a pretty safe bet that if a different person had picked up the reins in 2019 that a scenario in which Rodriguez made his debut in 2021 would be more plausible.

    Elias has had three years to make sure that Grayson and the Orioles are not in that position.

    I agree with the bolded for multiple reasons.  One of which, Elias hasn't done a rebuild and Preller got to oversee one.  Big difference.

    To your last point, when did a goal of the franchise become to get Grayson Rodriguez to the majors as fast as possible?

    We should have just hired his mother then in 2018, and we'd probably be "successful."

  16. 9 minutes ago, Can_of_corn said:

    He signed Machado a year early and specifically didn't game Tatis' clock.

    They never lost 100 games under Preller.


    He oversaw a lengthy rebuild himself.

    You suggesting the O's bring up Rodriguez now is akin to bringing up Tatis in 2017.  Which he didn't do, but in fact waited two more years.

    There isn't a single good argument to be made for brining up Rodriguez now, or at any point this year.

  17. 7 minutes ago, Can_of_corn said:

    Oh sorry, I read that as "his" team.

    I  can not say with confidence that any GM would run Grayson out there when they were handed a team that was built to lose like this one is.

    You know, Preller oversaw a lengthy rebuild himself right?

  18. 18 minutes ago, Sports Guy said:

    Right.  I don’t get why that’s part of his point though.  Teams are put together like sh** all the time.  Things happen, bad luck, off years, etc…why use this as part of your point?  I don’t get the logic there.

    You've fairly pointed out that counting 2018 as a rebuilding year is just factually wrong.  If he wants to persists in his delusions what can you do?

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