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Everything posted by Pickles

  1. Of course, I was right. So there is that. That's why.
  2. I respect your technical knowledge. You're giving me a lot of work to do now. I don't care. This dude can fly. Edit: Just hand timed it. Got under 11. From the full game.
  3. He didn't waste two seconds. He didn't optimize them by like 10 percent.
  4. Oh, you're lazy. Cool. Here ya go, darling.
  5. I gave you the link and the time. You can watch for yourself.
  6. The real evidence is the tape. He made it to 3b in 11 seconds. He couldn't have been loafing too much and done that.
  7. No, the bolded is very much relevant.
  8. I'm sure he hit a linedrive and was ecstatic and then saw it was directly at somebody and was despondent. And while his emotions fluttered he ran his ass to 3b in 11 seconds.
  9. I just watched the condensed game on mlb.com. https://www.mlb.com/video/condensed-game-nym-bal-8-6-23 It's 5:19-5:30. I concede it's not the most accurate time ever but it's very close.
  10. After 2 seconds. How fast should he get from home to first? The average time for a right hander is 4.31 seconds. Should Jorge be there in 2 seconds?
  11. He was home to second in 7 seconds, and to third in 11, accounting for an ease up. How fast, exactly, should he be running?
  12. If Jorge Mateo cured cancer there'd be a thread on here the next day blaming him for AIDS. He hit a line drive right to the CF that should have been caught 90% of the time, since it was a line drive it got past the CF in literally 2 seconds, Mateo was not going at full speed for literally 2 seconds. He was going at a crisp pace down the line though, certainly not standing in the box. Some people seem offended he didn't immediately discard his bat. Whatever. Again, it's 2 seconds. The ball came into SS just as he was rounding into third- even going 100% from contact would not have made enough of a difference to turn this into an inside the park home run. His legs literally scored that first run. A fairly important run if I recall. If the standard is going to be 100% out of the box every time, all the time, we're going to have a damn busy Kangaroo Court, and I'm not sure we have someone worthy enough to sit on its bench.
  13. The next thing will be Jorge converting to the mound. I'm half-joking.
  14. And 54 for his career. Guy's a Hall of Very Gooder.
  15. Kinsler is criminally underrated. I think that's an ambitious comp, but Westburg has looked really solid as a rookie. That usually portends a good future.
  16. That's kind of what I mean. They've studied it. They think he can do it based on whatever criteria they have, and it certainly isn't old defensive stats.
  17. I remember that and I agreed with you at the time. This is Mateo's floor. But the bat has dictated this role. Still, his defense all over the field, and his threat on the bases, keeps him on the roster. He's an ideal 26th man. That's his role going forward. That doesn't mean he'll do it. He hasn't played as well at SS this year not playing full time. He will have to improve upon that, and show that he can play CF (or anywhere else) very well. He has the tools.
  18. Maybe. I don't think they're making any experiments currently though.
  19. That's part of it too. It's not the largest part of it but it's the least acknowledged.
  20. Well then he should do that. LOL. We all see what I see.
  21. I wish he'd put himself in better position to throw.
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