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Everything posted by Pickles

  1. It's an impossible question to answer. If the Orioles refrain from making a bad trade it is a great win.
  2. I have tried to drop this conversation several different times. I'm not going to be called a moron, or stupid, or as if I'm insane, for stating facts, even ones that people don't like. Justin Verlander is not going to drop his no-trade clause to come to Baltimore and play for the Angeloses. We can leave it at that. I'm perfectly fine with that. But when people address me, I will respond.
  3. Yes, that's a lot of it. I'm not sure it's fair to call her a bimbo. She actually seems, in spite of her profession, to be decent.
  4. No, I'm not sorry for stating, yes, facts. So, Baltimore doesn't have deep, deep social problems? Ya'll are delusional. All the more important for you to understand the national reputation that Baltimore actually has.
  5. Might there be some amenities in Los Angeles or New York that Baltimore doesn't have? Can we even admit that?
  6. Ya'll can thank me, when the trade happens, and Kate Upton is in front of the National Aquarium raving about her love for Baltimore and all Old Bay products.
  7. No, Baltimore is uniquely the kind of place Justin Verlander- and others- would not waive their no-trade clause to come play in. That's relevant when talking about Justin Verlander waiving his no-trade clause to come play in Baltimore.
  8. Granted, SportsGuy just made a joke but when I say Baltimore is a dump with deep, deep social problems, unique in many ways even in a country with dozens of distressed urban areas, and it has a reputation nation-wide unparalleled as a dump with deep, deep social problems, that isn't a political statement. That's a statement of fact. And yes, it affects if guys want to come play here.
  9. Those guys developed a connection with the city over time. Verlander has no such connection.
  10. I'd have the same concerns with this guy as I do with Wells. Once they get up into unchartered territory, I don't expect their arms to fall off, but I do worry about effectiveness.
  11. I haven't seen anybody else point it out but he's about 10 innings from his career high. I'm not sure he solves what they're looking for.
  12. Mostly imo that's what these trades are about. Better positioning yourself in the post-season. At least for a team like the O's, who aren't really on the bubble.
  13. Can't you just see Kate Upton: "Screw Manhattan Won't you give them Dundalk nights."
  14. Almost every urban area in the country is rapidly destroying itself. You'll get no arguments from me on that. Baltimore is just better at it.
  15. I'm sorry but that's just laughable. Most people don't want to live in communities that are famous for political corruption. Yes, the people elected to govern the city (and the state for that matter) absolutely deeply affect your life. Again, I'm very glad for you that you get to live in a place that is reserved for the 1%. That's good for you. You fail to understand that the other 99% probably have a different experience than you do. We can leave it there.
  16. There's truth there too. I pointed that out from the get go. The problem is Baltimore AND Angelos. St. Louis is another dump. An absolute dysfunctional mess. But the Cardinals being the Cardinals people will go play there.
  17. Of course it does. And we should be aware that he'll live in luxury we can hardly comprehend even if he was living in Mogadishu.
  18. Touche. Of course he was drafted there and that is Kate Upton's home.
  19. I grew up in the DC suburbs of MD, about equidistant between DC and Baltimore. I currently live in Texas, and have been to Houston many times. Houston is awful, especially in the summer. I personally do not identify as a Baltimorean or a Marylander. My family has been in Texas since its Independence, and I only grew up outside of DC because my family has a long tradition of being in the military. But I am very familiar with Baltimore and MD. And I know it offends some people here, or some people take it personal, but Baltimore has the single worst reputation for an urban area in the entire country. That isn't just because of the "media" or The Wire. It's because Baltimore is uniquely dysfunctional on a multitude of levels. Is Baltimore going to find a mayor who can serve a full term without being jailed for corruption? Baltimore was in the National News two days ago. Some "squeegee" kid shot a dude six times in the back. He was found guilty of manslaughter, and a jury member apologized to him for that. He'll be out on the streets in a couple of years, no doubt free to murder again. I'm glad that many of you are happy with your lives there. I am glad that you have found such financial success that you have good homes in good neighborhoods. Congratulations and I'm pleased for you. That doesn't change the fact that Baltimore has a reputation for crime, violence, and corruption. Rightfully so.
  20. Yeah, but Justin Verlander actually likes to have sex with Kate Upton. Therein lies the difference.
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