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Everything posted by Pickles

  1. McKenna just about collided with Mullins over a fly ball in the gap that Mullins was clearly calling for, and as the CF, clearly his ball.
  2. So, yes, he had some bad plays early in the season. And yes, he isn't quite as fast as he was when he was 23. But his arm is still a weapon. Here's his outfield assist from today. He had one yesterday as well.
  3. You know, that's a perspective that should be appreciated.
  4. At the plate he stands like JJ. Am I alone on this? Pretty upright, hands up and away from the body.
  5. Olson definitely seemed to imply that. I didn't think it made much sense given the game situation, but the way Mountcastle reacted (he was visibly pissed off and I thought that was odd, because it was accidental) and then Frazier cursing him out definitely suggests the O's at least thought he was throwing at Mountcastle.
  6. I'm no lip-reader but Frazier very clearly said, "F you." Speculating, but I bet Manoah said something like "Go sit down" after Frazier showed displeasure at the called third strike on the check swing.
  7. That's not his point at all. You're focusing on that to distract from your point, which is extraordinarily weak.
  8. Stop digging. You're just embarrassing yourself. Just admit it. You had (another) garbage take.
  9. I actually went and looked it up after making that post and saw that Ortiz is only listed at 5'9", which makes him 3-4 inches shorter than JJ. Their batting stance and physical attributes are similar imo.
  10. He reminds me in mannerism and stature of JJ Hardy.
  11. It's bizarre and pretty unique.
  12. I think it is just stupid obfuscation from a trash take you had in August. There aren't that many layers to it. It's actually pretty simple. A) Jorge Lopez VS B) Cano, Povich, Nunez, Rojas Nobody in their right mind would prefer A over B. And none of your unicorn farts and magic fairy dust changes that.
  13. Well, it might be more like 100 mil vs 20 mil, but the point remains.
  14. That's the difference between Jorge making 200 million and 20 million. We will see.
  15. He laid off at least one that ab outside. Two iirc. That's the difference between him hot and cold. Can he get himself into favorable hitters' counts?
  16. That pisses me right the F off.
  17. Oh I was definitely trolling. It was my revenge for the Winter of our Frazier.
  18. That's why I loved him. You'll know I'm him when I start dropping 5,000 word posts.
  19. I downvoted you OP just because of the hilarious irony of it. Are you really bothered by it? If so I'll go and change that.
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