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Everything posted by Pickles

  1. I understand what you're saying, but you can't expect to change everybody's mind, even with logic, even when you're right. That's the beauty of disengagement. And again, many, many things can only be determined by the future. I am a bit curious, though, your original statement didn't directly quote anyone. What did you object to?
  2. I strongly disagree. I think a sign of a civil conversation is the ability to say, "Well, I guess time will tell." It's something akin to agree to disagree. To again quote Norm MacDonald, "Somethings can only be resolved in the fullness of time."
  3. He's clearly got serious stuff, even with his velo a little down. You can criticize a lot of things about him, but you can't criticize his stuff.
  4. Did you miss the 7 ks in 9 outs recorded?
  5. I'm pretty sure I saw one 97. I saw several 96s. It's probably more fair to say he sat 93-94 than 94-95. He seems to be making a conscious effort to not throw max velo in an attempt to command better.
  6. That's more than uncharitable. He hit 97, sat 94-95. Command not great but only walked one. His biggest problem is effeciency. It took him 75 pitches to get 9 outs.
  7. Whoever claimed that strawman you're beating the hell out of?
  8. The Yankees have been so impressed with Willie's 50 OPS+ this year, they've moved him into the cleanup spot in tonight's lineup.
  9. I think if that's the case, you have two years of team control of an All-Star level SS. Really, we should be saying MVP caliber SS, because if he puts up an 800 OPS then 5 WAR is probably on the low end of what he would actually be worth. I'd be looking to use him as a bridge to Holliday, and trade him after next season for pitching.
  10. He obviously looked good last night. Solid debut. First impression: He has some J.J. Hardy in him.
  11. I stole it from Norm MacDonald.
  12. In the fullness of time this all might prove to be true. But Ortiz is not going to be handed a starting position. He's going to get sporadic starts, in favorable matchups, and the better he performs the more opportunities he will be given.
  13. Vs RHP who do you want Ortiz to take ABs away from? Gunnar at 3d? Mateo at SS? Or Frazier and/or Urias at 2b?
  14. Look, Mateo is OPSing 1000. Why would Ortiz play against right-handers?
  15. Well, clearly a lot of Ortiz' abs are going to come at Frazier's expense. Some will come at Henderson's expense vs. LH. If Mateo cools down some will come from his allotment. But I am certain they are not planning on playing Ortiz ever day. Frazier is in the outfield today. I think this is temporary because of Hays' injury. However, if it becomes regular, then they need to get another OF up and DL Hays if necessary.
  16. Good thing we didn't trade Mateo this offseason. I kept hearing he was blocking people and his value was at peak.
  17. I think it will be a pretty straight forward platoon at 2b. How Ortiz performs will dictate whether he gets more ABs or sent back down.
  18. They've performed comparably at AAA. I'm not sure you can say definitively who is the better hitter. And from all reports Ortiz is the better defender, yes at SS, but also presumably 2b and 3b as well.
  19. I think he and Frazier will run a pretty strict platoon tbh. I don't forsee Frazier in the outfield much, and if he's needed out there, then they need to get a true outfielder on the roster. I wasn't opposed to Mateo getting some spring training run in the OF, but with the way he is playing, it would be crazy imo to mess with it now.
  20. I probably should have said maximizing assets. They're not going to jam up their 40 until they have to. P.S. I'm not sure there is evidence to confirm Westburg is a better play than Ortiz, nor that he fits better.
  21. I think it's more about optimizing the 40 man. They'll make the Johnson move when they need to. They simply don't need to now so they won't. It isn't "fair" but neither is life. The guy on the 40 man is going to get the first shot.
  22. 40 man roster considerations.
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