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Posts posted by emmett16

  1. I only left Rangel off because of the injury.  It's hard to find updates on any of these guys especially relating to injuries.  I agree with you on timeline of the 'full go' class and that the previous classes, outside a couple long shots, don't have much intriguing.   In going through this exercise, it just illustrated how much work it takes, how long it takes to get a full system in place, how far away we really are from reaping the rewards, and how negligent the previous regime's strategy was (handcuffed or not).   It's crazy to think that our blue-chip international prospects are 5 years away in year 4 of the rebuild.   

  2. The International part of the rebuild, for me, is the most interesting simply because it's something we've never seen the Oriole's embrace.    I've sifted through the Fangraphs Depth Chart to find all the International FA signings & trade acquisitions that Elias has brought in.  There are a few other international players on the depth chart that are hold overs from the previous regime and are not included.  Players are listed with their age from the highest level they are currently playing.  I left off Raul Rangel who appears to have a serious injury.  I imagine a few more names will emerge from the FSL and DSL as those seasons kick off and we get more info.  Here is a list of our current "international pipeline'' If there is anyone that I missed let me know and I'll make an edit.  

    • Jean Pinto 21 A+
    • Cesar Prieto IF 23 A+
    • Juan De Los Santos 20 A
    • Noelberth Romero 20 A
    • Moises Ramirez 20 A
    • Isaac De Leon 20 A
    • Mishael Deson 19+ A
    • Raul Rangel 19 A (IL)
    • Elio Prado 20 FSL
    • Maikol Hernandez 18 FSL
    • Kevin Guerrero 18 FSL
    • Samuel Basallo 17+ FSL
    • Leandro Arias 17 DSL
    • Braylin Tavera 17 DSL

    When they announced a focus on the international market in 2018, I figured it would take 7 years for us to see a solid showing of potential impact players at each level of the organization (DSL,FSL,A,A+,AA,AAA & MLB).   Starting at ground bottom that's essentially one year for each level of the organization (for the bulk of the players brought in).  Four years in and it looks like the first wave is in low A and still 3 or 4 years away from potentially impacting the MLB.  It also looks like the strength of the international pipeline is much farther away.  I thought Prieto had a good chance to move fast and arrive next year and maybe he still does.  Hopefully we will be able to get another advanced player in this year's pool that can similarly move quickly.   Four years into the rebuild and it doesn't look like we are going to see any of Elias' international players crack the MLB roster for at least another year.  It looks like we are 3 years away from having the "pipeline" reach the MLB (having 5+ international players on each team's roster) and it looks like we are likely 4-5 years away from have a difference making International player, or two, on our MLB roster.  What do you think about the state of the international player pipeline?  

    • Upvote 2
  3. 1 hour ago, SteveA said:

    9-9 last 18 games.

    All season last year, our longest stretch of playing .500 ball was 11-11.
    In 2020, our longest stretch of playing .500 ball was 14-14
    In 2019, our longest stretch of playing .500 ball was 16-16.
    In 2018, our longest stretch of playing .500 ball was 9-9.

    So we haven't proven much yet.   If we could play .500 ball for a couple more weeks we would be in unprecedented territory during the rebuild.   But so far we haven't accomplished anything we haven't in any of the last 4 years.

    This might be the single most depressing post I’ve ever read on this board 🤣😂

  4. 53 minutes ago, bobmc said:

    Tyler Wells is 6'8", hence his uni #.

    I didn’t realize that.  That’s awesome.  When Grayson comes up they are gonna have some xl sized men on the pitching staff like never before.  

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  5. 1 hour ago, OsFanSinceThe80s said:

    I’m going to assume you blocked the memories of Daniel Cabrera out of your mind (and I don’t blame you).



    I guess I didn't realize how huge he was.  BBref has him listed at 6'7'' 225.  Has Bautista @ 6'5'' 190.....no buying the 190.  He has to be 230 easy.  

  6. 3 hours ago, NelsonCruuuuuz said:

    Sub .200

    He get's his walks darn near every game.  His OBP is .308. with a .203 BABIP.  He's struggling right now.  Wouldn't be surprised if he picked it back up shortly.  

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  7. 1 hour ago, Ripken said:

    The Orioles have historically extended a lot of players.  Not true when rebuilding of course.  The Rockies just signed Chris Bryant.  If the huge left field is said to entice pitchers to come here why wouldn't be a disincentive for RH hitters to come/stay here?

    I think at the end of the day the team that puts up the most $$$ get's the player.  The decision to try and 'boost' your stats is only for a player on short term deal trying to rebrand themselves.  So, I don't think it means anything for the primo FA (which we never go for) but will play, like you said, both ways for the guys trying to rebuild themselves.  I have to imagine we will see a ton of LH hitters and pitchers being drafted this year.

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