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Posts posted by emmett16

  1. I’ve had a bad gut feeling on Means for a while.  The shoulder fatigue issue now a couple times.  Dropped spin rate.  My fear is that he does not get back to where he was.   If he throws together a couple solid starts and we get a decent offer, I make the deal.  He will not be here for the next playoff team.  Heck, I bet next time O’s are in playoffs means is on the IL for whatever team he plays for.  

  2. 56 minutes ago, Explosivo said:

    Have you been paying attention to Henderson, Westburg and Jones? That’s your future at third, short and second. All are performing above expectation. All will be on the team at the same time. Jones first of course.

    Jones batted .236 / .706 ops in July with 31 SO in 89 ABs.  He's 1 for his last 19.  Plays poor D.  Wouldn't say he's setting the world on fire.  

    • Upvote 1
  3. 15 minutes ago, Can_of_corn said:

    I know of a lot more infielders who got converted to outfield than the reverse.

    Some pretty good catchers(future hall of famer for the giants*) were former stud SS's as well.  

    *Mike Martin changed him from SS to C

  4. I voted Mountcastle.  With SSS it's hard to say definitively, however I've seen Trey play a decent amount of 1b and he's never stood out as being anything more than average.  I watched Mountcastle a bit in minors and thought he was a decent fielder, very athletic,  but had a poor throwing arm.  I'm assuming long term that athleticism translates to 1b, but he has looked a bit shaky there this year learning a new position.  When it's a toss up, I go with the talent over the polish. 

  5. 15 minutes ago, Sports Guy said:

    It also signals something I have been saying..the rebuild is over.  Sure there are guys we can trade, there always will be and a guy like Santander really hurt us this year (who could have predicted that?!?) but the reality is the guys we have now are guys you likely want to keep and help with winning.  

    I appreciate your enthusiasm and excitement over the prospects of having a solid team playing in Baltimore.  Phase 1 of the rebuild is almost over.  Phase 2 will be occurring over the next ~3-5 years.  Phase 3 (final phase)or the rebuild will be in 5-10 years when half of the surnames on the 40 man roster are latin based.  Buckle up, it's going to be a long and bumpy ride.  

  6. 1 hour ago, Tony-OH said:

    It is a tough decision because the fans, teammates, coaches and pretty much everyone loves Mancini. But the honest truth is he doesn't fit into this rebuild especially since his replacement (Mountcastle) is here. 

    The return is the key. You don't give Mancini away nor do your dump him in an obvious salary dump this offesason. The other thing is I would love to see him have a chance to win a World Series while he still good, and his skill set is one that generally begins to fall off in the early 30s. Let's face it, Elias knows this and he's not exactly known for making heart string moves. My guess is if a team offers up at least one top ten prospect and a couple of other 10-20 types, Mancini will be moved.

    I think this is the obvious player that should get moved.  I love him and my son loves him, but its best for all parties.  They should be able to get out in front of the story and handle any PR hit.  Simply sell it as giving Trey a chance to win.  Seems like a no brainer - can't make emotional decisions.  

  7. I didn’t think of the visa/passport issues.  That obviously adds a layer of complexity.  There is a guy that runs a baseball camp in NW DC and he takes a group of players & families down to DR every winter (pre-covid)to workout/play with Julio Franco’s Group.   Parents who have have gone  have raved about the experience.  

  8. I run a travel baseball team and this winter we are planning a trip for the kids to play a tournament in Puerto Rico.  Playing sports is about so much more than what happens between the lines.  Kids are going to fundraise and learn  other valuable lessons throughout the entire experience.  As we are planning this out, it got me thinking about all of the baseball facilities that have been built over the years by various MLB teams down in the Dominican Republic.  It seems to me it would be advantageous for each MLB team to run a series of tournaments each year at their facilities.   Bring in American Travel teams and have them play local teams.  It would make for a trip of a lifetime for a lot of the young players, it would drive tourism to the communities we are poaching talent from, it would help build local businesses, and would allow scouts to have players come to them as opposed to traveling all over the place.   Anyway, just a thought I had.  Curious what others might think or if there are things like this in place (a quick google search didn't result in much).  If this is in the wrong section, please move.  

  9. Just now, Can_of_corn said:

    Do you think the O's can build and maintain a winning team in the AL East taking a "super safe route" to talent acquisition?

    I don't think that's a viable strategy. 

    Long term, or course not.  Year after a Pandemic?  Maybe.   I think they need to hit on as many picks as they can.  I'm just wondering if this year, due to pandemic, the risk of the HS was just too high.  

  10. 5 minutes ago, Tony-OH said:

    I thought it would be more when they originally drafted him since he was a senior with little leverage and was not high on most draft boards. I heard though that his talent was real and not a 10K cost saver guy and his bonus shows the team thinks highly of him. the fact he had little leverage probably cost him the 150K, but right now I'm not sure if the Orioles have an overslot guy they are saving this money for or whether they just were able to get guys they wanted at cheaper price than slot. 

    We have to see how the rest of the signings bonuses go down.


     How much do you think Covid played into the draft strategy?  Seems like this year picking HS players would be risky.  They only played a handful of games (shorter track record & less reps), probably didn't have systems in place (like universities) to keep kids working & playing.  I imagine development at the lower levels, HS and on down, were effected much more than Pro & College programs.   After reviewing draft I've been wondering if he decided to take a super safe route this year and go heavy College & avoid air balls on HS kids due to a wasted 2020.   

  11. 20 hours ago, Tony-OH said:

    One way to look at each level is by seeing how much of the talent Elias drafted or acquired through trade/minor league free agency

    Team           Players on roster      Duquette acquired   Duquette/Rajsich drafted      Elias acquired  PCT          Elias Drafted           Total Elias %         Records     

    Norfolk:                  34                             9  (26.4%)                      9 (26.4%)                          16 (47%)                      0      (0%)                   47%              24-38    (.387)

    Bowie:                    32                             4   (12.5%)                     16 (50%)                              7  (21.8%)                  5       (15.6%)             37.4%             37-27    (.578)

    Aberdeen               30                             0   (0%)                           5  (16.7%)                           6 ( 20%)                    19     (63.3%)             83.3%             36-30   (.545)

    Delmarva                30                             4   (13.3%)                     4  (13.3%)                          12 (40%)                     10      (33.3%)            73.3%             39-25   (.609)


    Very interesting.  The Norfolk% throws off the trend.  Do you attribute the high number of Elias acquisitions at the AAA level to simply supplementing the MLB team, waiver claims, etc?

  12. 25 minutes ago, Frobby said:

    You have to look at things other than record, though.    For example, Delmarva was a very old team relative to its league in 2019, 3rd on batter age and 2nd in pitcher age.   Stock a low A team with older players and chances are they’ll do well.  The same remains true this year, as Delmarva is second-oldest in both pitching and batting.   

    I agree and those are very valid points.  It just seems like a trend is starting to emerge.  In my 30+ years of watching this team, I can't remember success funneling up the system as it has in the last three years. 

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