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Posts posted by PHRESH

  1. On 5/10/2022 at 3:44 PM, wildcard said:

    I have been floating the idea that if the O's are in the wild card race in early August  Gunnar could join the O's down the stretch.  Like Manny did in 2012.

    What do you think?

    Or if our pitching is thin, we flip trade him for a Scott Feldman type. 

    • Downvote 1
  2. 2 hours ago, SteveA said:

    He turns 21 on June 29.   I would certainly hope that he is in Norfolk before that birthday.

    It's a Navy town.   Lots of places to enjoy that first [legal] drink.   Better than Bowie.

    I guess you've never been to the Applebee's across from the stadium. 

  3. 9 hours ago, Sports Guy said:

    It was a concern for some.

    This happens in every draft.  This is why you have to let the process play out.  

    You will hear guys now that are touted to be top 10 picks in the NFL draft and they will go far later.  This time last year, people thought Sam Howell was going to be in contention for the first pick.  He went in the 4th round.  

    It happens all the time, in all sports.  Johnson may still go high and the MlB draft is different because slot values but I get talent wise, he is going to end up closer to the 10-15 range on teams boards vs top 5.

    5th round. But that just accentuates your point. 

  4. 6 minutes ago, jabba72 said:

    Martins hands at SS aren't good enough to make up for the weak bat. His exit velocities were among the lowest in baseball in '19. So he needs to bring one or the other and isnt really bringing either. I guess an injury to Mateo would get him called up though. Starting SS in AAA has its perks and thats the main one. You're only an injury away.


    3 minutes ago, interloper said:

    I don't have much evidence to back this up other than he's made some swing changes since '19 and looked like a different hitter in spring training (and in AAA so far), but I feel pretty strongly that his batted ball profile would be much better in '22 than '19. 

    It's also possible that he's been putting game balls in a dehumidor. 

    • Haha 1
  5. 13 minutes ago, jabba72 said:

    I think the team is showing Elias the future is now its time, hopefully there will be some 2B and 3B available for cheap at the deadline if not sooner. Elias should be allowed to start taking on salary. 

    Damn, and I thought maybe I was being a little too optimistic and hoping to make a splash signing or too in the upcoming off-season. You're ready to go now! 

  6. 2 hours ago, NelsonCruuuuuz said:

    Update on Ramon per Roch: 

    Brandon Hyde said Ramon Urias had some abdominal discomfort during BP. Will check on him tomorrow #orioles

    Hopefully, it's just some bad gas station sushi. It'll be nice to have Ramon heat up a bit at the plate. 

  7. 6 minutes ago, wildcard said:

    The new closer?

    I doubt they make a switch considering the circumstances behind Lopez's absence, but it's nice to know that we've potentially got another viable option 

  8. 43 minutes ago, RZNJ said:

    So we drafted Bundy and were supposed to get a RHP with an upper 90's fastball, a knee buckling curve, and a great cutter. He gets hurt and comes back as a good pitcher at times but not the guy we originally thought we were getting. We trade him for an unheralded RHP who I watched tonight and:

    1. Threw a fastball that touched 98 and was still at 95 in the 7th inning.

    2. Made hitters, including Nolen Arrenado look foolish, on a sharp curve.

    3. Struck out the next 3 batters after the unsettling Bader inside the parker.

    4. Maintained his stuff throughout the game

    It took awhile, but that pick might finally be paying off 

    • Upvote 1
  9. 4 minutes ago, Pickles said:

    The double itself was evidence of life and hustle.  Now just get rid of overrunning the base.

    Though in all honestly, he was thinking three.

    LOL I was thinking the same. If he could make consistent contact, he's got the speed to be a real problem for teams 

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