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Everything posted by PHRESH

  1. I'd feel more comfortable with LeBlanc in there right now
  2. My excuse... But also.... This describes me during co-ed softball season.
  3. These strike zones are driving me insane
  4. Wow, Franc's got some impressive numbers vs MFY
  5. I had just turned the game and and it's bases load with Stanton up. "NOT AGAIN!!!"
  6. Another one to finish it off. Not a bad start for the kid.
  7. Are those camouflaged curtains in Ben McDonald's house lol?
  8. Hey that infield in formation finally worked out for them.
  9. It's really incredible. I mean, you'd think he might have at least moved to the bullpen.
  10. Ahhh that makes sense. I agree. I think it's crazy they aren't calling the games from the parks.
  11. I agree. Definitely not a bad start. It'll be nice to see if he can maintain mid 90's and work his way up to 7 IP starts.
  12. Good thing he showed up when he did!
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