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Posts posted by O-The-Memories

  1. Kluber looked at least somewhat healthy last year and clearly after winning two Cy Youngs has the experience and pitch selection to be a tough matchup. He isn't the same pitcher as in his prime, but he still presents challenges. 

    I know it's way early to be concerned about Mullins but I'd like to see him actually make contact at least.  

  2. 1 minute ago, tntoriole said:

    Can’t use MLB. TV because here in Appalachia, 300 miles from Baltimore and where everyone is a Reds or Braves or Nats fan, it is Os “territory” with “blackout”  and so when my cable dropped MASN 2 years ago… zip Os since except when I am in SC or elsewhere on the road  .. lol 

    They make it so hard to be a casual Orioles fan. The only fans left are ones that are really passionate or kids that root for the same team their parents root for. My son will root for the Orioles because that's the team I like. I'm in Southern Maryland and blacked out for both the Orioles and Nationals. You would think MLB TV would want to earn as much money as possible, and that MASN would put more effort and money into the Orioles product, but it's just not the case. Frustrating to say the least. 

    Jordan Lyles fitting right in already, lol. 

  3. 4 minutes ago, Roll Tide said:

    So where are our commentators? In Baltimore at the studio?

    It's so sad that I have to try to get a feed from 98 Rock in Baltimore which is already delayed on MLB audio. Instead of Jordan Lyles maybe spend some money on the announcers. I think that would have made for happier fans, lol. 

  4. 1 minute ago, Aristotelian said:

    Still can't believe $7M for this guy

    I wasn't a fan of the signing either, but in theory, he should be able to provide innings around a 5.00 ERA. I think it's actually surprisingly hard to find guys like that for a lot less than 7 million, at least in our system. I wouldn't count on any of the fringe guys we have to pitch 160 innings at that ERA. 

  5. Man, it's really hard to follow this team. I'm actually looking forward to seeing Atlantic League baseball tomorrow ten minutes from my house. The family enjoys it, it's cheaper, and some of the pitchers they have would blend in well with the Orioles. I may get to see a local guy who played in MLB or Mat Latos pitch, either of which would be pretty cool. 

    I'm beginning the think that we could see Bowie drawing more than the major league team pretty soon. 

  6. 1 minute ago, Il BuonO said:

    Did I hear Garceau say the ball Martin booted was NOT called an error?

    That has got to be scored an error, maybe I'm not clear on what the rulebook interprets as an error. It's a play that should be made and that a decent shortstop should make. 

    To be honest, I think there are shortstops that could have made that last play too. Maybe now I'm being too critical. 

  7. I haven't agreed with a lot of the draft decisions to put it kindly, but even among the best prospects there's a relatively high bust rate. If you have Means, Hall, and GRod all pitching like #2-3 starters and a couple of 4.00-4.50 ERA starters on the back end of the rotation that's at least decent. I figure something like the 2012-2014 rotation would be fine. No aces, but no guys with a an ERA over 5 either. 

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  8. Good Lord, could we at least show a little bit of plate discipline? Guys are just hacking at everything early in the count. They are just pressing right now, we aren't a good team, but there's a ton wrong that has to happen for a team to have two losing streaks like this over a season. 

    Nice hit Trey, but I don't have much confidence in you getting knocked in. 

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  9. Well, let's look at the bright side, it isn't 7-0. That was nearly a grand slam against Akin. Just got back in from listening to the game and eating ice cream with our three year old, and he doesn't care if they are down 20-0! 

    I'm a little disappointed that we aren't able to hit in addition to not being able to pitch. Our lineup is about the best we can offer right now. I'm guessing we have to trot Franco out there because nobody else can play a passible third? I wish we would try Martin there just to have some defense. Urias and Mateo probably aren't any better defensively at third, right?


  10. On 8/18/2021 at 10:38 PM, Pickles said:

    I second this.

    I liked Pie.  He was a great guy to give a chance.  He had his moments but ultimately didn't pan out.

    Mateo is probably destined to the same fate.  But he deserves an opportunity.

    At this point, I personally would be giving him chances over Stewart.

    Mateo should be playing every day or close to it, I agree. Between Urias, Mateo, and Martin we have about a quarter of a season to evaluate guys that could be part of a contending team, whether it be as a utility guy or a starter. Franco isn't the answer, but I'm actually glad we gave him a shot. At this point, taking a risk with guys who have flashed plus talent in the past is a much better option than giving low ceiling guys like Stewart another chance. I think we have 1B, CF, DH, and either right or left (depending on Hays/Santander's health) covered, and I think that Adley will be up next year too. If we could square away one of 2B/SS/3B that is about the minimum for calling it successful, taking care of two of those would be a big success. Then we really wouldn't have many holes to fill offensively and could focus more on acquiring some pitching. 

    Pie did have his moments, and hitting for the cycle was awesome. He seemed to have all the tools but he just never put it all together. Corey Patterson at his best was basically what I thought Pie could be. I think I was one of the biggest Felix Pie fans out there; I actually have a t-shirt with his name and jersey number on the back. The problem was that I was almost 260 pounds at the time, so having a shirt with the word Pie on the back got my chops busted by friends who weren't Orioles fans!

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